GRA 6717 Purchasing: Managing Supply Relationships and Networks
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GRA 6717 Purchasing: Managing Supply Relationships and Networks Responsible for the course Lena Bygballe Department Department of Strategy and Logistics Term According to study plan ECTS Credits 6 Language of instruction English Introduction Companies increasingly focus on their core competences and outsource activities based on other competences to suppliers. Figures of 60-80 per cent of total turnover being spent on purchased goods and services are not uncommon. As a result, purchasing and supply management have become paramount for companies’ competitiveness. Students participating in this course will gain an understanding of the role of purchasing and supply in a company. Emphasis will be on purchasing as a boundary spanning function, and the students will learn to handle the challenges related to organising and operating a competitive supplier base and utilising network effects for efficiency and development. Learning outcome Acquired knowledge (i) To understand what purchasing involves in terms of roles, functions and processes (ii) To understand and appreciate the differences in the operational, tactical and strategic levels involved in purchasing, SCM and supply networks (iii) To gain knowledge of and the ability to critique central purchasing models, e.g. segmentation, insourcing/outsourcing, sourcing, and negotiation models (iv) To gain knowledge of contemporary models and frameworks, e.g. the ARA-model and the network approach to purchasing Acquired skills (i) To be able to explain the purchasing function: specification, search, negotiation, relationship handling (ii) To be able to compare and critique key purchasing models (iii) To be able to communicate in the range of purchasing professional roles, e.g. negotiation skills Reflection (i) To understand and appreciate the consequences of modern purchasing choices, e.g. global/local, green/environmental, community purchasing, etc. (ii) To appreciate and understand multiple perspectives in purchasing (iii) To be able to be a reflexive purchasing professional Prerequisites A bachelor degree qualifying for admission to the MSc Programme Compulsory reading Books: Gadde, Lars-Erik, Håkan Håkansson, Göran Persson. 2010. Supply network strategies. 2nd ed. Wiley Weele, Arjan J. van. 2010. Purchasing & supply chain management : analysis, strategy, planning and practice. 5th ed. Learning Articles: Cases and additional articles will be handed out throughout the course Other: During the course there may be hand-outs and other material on additional topics relevant for the course and the examination. Recommended reading Course outline Purchasing definitions The role of purchasing in an organization The purchasing process Sourcing management Purchasing strategy: Outsourcing and insourcing Purchasing strategy: Developing a supply strategy Sourcing strategues and partnership sourcing Purchasing and network analysis Implications of relationships for purchasing efficiency: Activity links Implications of relationships for resource development Managing in markets as networks Organizing for purchasing and interaction Computer-based tools It's learning Learning process and workload A course of 6 ECTS credits corresponds to a workload of 160-180 hours. Students are expected to actively participate through discussions and presentations. Please note that while attendance is not compulsory in all courses, it is the student’s own responsibility to obtain any information provided in class that is not included on the course homepage/It's learning or text book