ENT 2801 Bachelor Dissertation in Entrepreneurship - RE-SIT EXAMINATION
ENT 2801 Bachelor Dissertation in Entrepreneurship - RE-SIT EXAMINATION Responsible for the course Heidi Wiig Aslesen Department Department of Innovation and Economic Organisation Term According to study plan ECTS Credits 15 Language of instruction Norwegian Introduction Objective The aim of the Bachelor Dissertation is for students to apply the contents of the curriculum and knowledge acquired during the degree course to a specific problem within entrepreneurship. The dissertation is to be based on a company or organisation in a start-up phase or in an early phase of development and is to attempt to generate proposals for solutions to the defined problem. The dissertation may also be written as a theoretical dissertation based on in-depth knowledge of the literature and research in the field. Prerequisites The dissertation is based on the academic content of the degree course. Compulsory reading Books: Troye, Sigurd Villads og Kjell Grønhaug. 1993. Utredningsmetodikk : hvordan skrive en utredning til glede for både deg selv og andre. 3. utg. Oslo : Tano Other: Studenten har selv ansvar for å søke etter utfyllende litteratur på studiet, i tillegg til obligatorisk bok Recommended reading Books: Ghauri, Pervez N. and Kjell Grønhaug. 2009. Research methods in business studies : a practical guide. 4th ed. Harlow : Financial Times Prentice Hall. Ny utgave ventet mars 2010 Selnes, Fred. 1999. Markedsundersøkelser. 4. utg. Oslo : Tano Aschehoug Stene, Morten. 2003. Vitenskapelig forfatterskap: hvordan lykkes med skriftlige studentoppgaver. 2. utg. Oslo : Kolle Forlag Course outline The dissertation may be written within all academic fields and lines of business related to the degree course. The following requirements must be met with respect to choice of dissertation subject: The dissertation is to be based on a company or organisation in a start-up phase or in an early phase of development. A specific problem must be formulated. Solutions are to be found as part of a comprehensive process ranging from problem understanding, collection of data and analysis to strategy, plan or measures. The use of material from several specialist fields will be required in all cases. Provided the dissertation is not written as a theoretical dissertation, it is to include collection of a set of primary data with analysis. Any measures are to be based on sound financial arguments. Computer-based tools Use of SPSS or other relevant programs is expected for dissertations containing quantitative primary data. Database searches and use of the Internet will be of central importance in all dissertations. Course structure The course will consist of lectures on dissertation-writing and methodology, seminars and dissertation supervision. The problem for the Bachelor Dissertation is chosen by each individual student. Choice of problem and theory is to be approved by the person in charge of the course. The dissertation may be written individually or in groups of up to three students. Students are recommended to work in a group and produce a joint project assignment. Students are to fill in a registration form showing academic areas of interest. Students are then assigned to a supervisor. Tuition will consist of a joint section of up to 20 hours providing an introduction to dissertation writing and methodology (12 hours) and several seminars used to develop a project description. The seminars are organised by the supervisor and will be approx. 8 hours for every 4 theses. Seminars include oral presentations. In addition, students will be allocated up to 5 hours of individual supervision per dissertation. Examination Students who have not submitted a project description and attended the seminars may be required to make an oral defence (viva) of their completed dissertation. The dissertation will be evaluated using the following criteria (not listed in order of priority): - Problem definition and problem understanding - Integration of academic subjects - Structure and outline - Selection and application of theory - Choice and application of method - Presentation, interpretation and discussion of results - Originality, creativity and independence of measures proposed - Use of sources and references Examination code(s) ENT 2801 Bachelor Dissertation in Entrepreneurship counts 100% towards grade of course ENT 28011, 15 credits Examination support materials All aids allowed. Re-sit examination Makeup examinations are held at the time of the next scheduled course. Additional information Due to changes in our Bachelor Programmes from autumn 2009, there also will be changes in every single course. This course will be lectured for the last in the academic year 2011/2012. Re-sit exam will be offered every term from autumn 2012 even spring 2013. |
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