ENT 2800 Managing and developing start up businesses and entrepreneurs - RE-SIT EXAMINATION
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ENT 2800 Managing and developing start up businesses and entrepreneurs - RE-SIT EXAMINATION Responsible for the course Elbjørg G Standal, Nils-Otto Ørjasæter Department Department of Innovation and Economic Organisation Term According to study plan ECTS Credits 9 Language of instruction Norwegian Introduction This final course focuses on developing and managing businesses in the start-up phase. Particular attention will be paid to management challenges in the different developmental phases of a start-up business. There will be frequent discussions and visits by experienced entrepreneurs and other experts. Students on the course will also evaluate themselves as entrepreneurs and discuss whether they believe they will run a business in all phases of development or whether they will change roles en route. Objective The course will provide the students with: - Knowledge of management processes and challenges in start-up businesses - Knowledge of the role and work of a board - Knowledge about what hinders and what promotes scaling- up and supergrowth - An understanding of how and why a business and entrepreneur often go separate ways - A summary and synthesis of entrepreneurship as a management activity through synthesizing experiences and insights from the three years of the course - A good foundation for writing good Bachelor dissertations. Prerequisites The course is based on knowledge students are expected to have attained in the previous semesters. Compulsory reading Books: Bråthen, Tore. 2009. Styremedlem og aksjonær. 2. utg. Fagbokforlaget. Aksjonæravtaler (5 sider) og Del III: Styremedlemmer (36 sider) Levorsen, Stein O. 2009. Styrearbeid i praksis : innføring i styrets hovedoppgaver og arbeidsform med eksempler og bedriftshistorier. 6. utg. Oslo : Universitetsforlaget. 92 Wickham, Philip A. 2010. Strategic entrepreneurship. 5th ed. Harlow : FT/Prentice Hall. Part 1, chapter 1-1.6; Part 2, chapter 9; Part 3, chapter 15; Part 5, chapter 25, 27. Total 75 p. Ny utgave ventes i desember 2010, men kan bli forsinket. Zimmerer, Thomas W. and Norman M. Scarborough. 2010. Essentials of entrepreneurship and small business management. 6th ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Pearson/Prentice Hall Articles: Akrich, M., M. Callon and B. Latour. 2002. The key to success in innovation. International Journal of Innovation Management. 6 (2). Part II: The art of chosing good spokespersons” Akrich, M., M. Callon and B. Latour. 2002. The key to success in innovation. International Journal of Innovation Management. 6 (2). Part I: The art of interessement Ørjasæter, Nils-Otto. 2005. Intraprenørskapsprosjekter – organisering og finansiering. Magma. 8 (nr. 4). s 60-72 Other: AA: Utvalgte artikler Recommended reading Course outline
Computer-based tools Course structure The course consists of 36 hours of lectures, group discussions and business studies. Meetings with entrepreneurs, group work, presentations and discussions will all ensure a high level of interactivity. Examination Course grades are based on the term paper. Examination code(s) ENT 2800 - Term paper. Counts 100% to obtain final grade in the course ENT 28001, 9 ECTS. Examination support materials All written aids allowed + calculator TEXAS INSTRUMENTS BA II Plus™. Re-sit examination This course was lectured for the last time spring 2011. Re-sit exam will be offered every term even spring 2013. Additional information |
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