EMS 2360 Methods and Dataanalysis - RE-SIT EXAMINATION


EMS 2360 Methods and Dataanalysis - RE-SIT EXAMINATION

Responsible for the course
Ragnhild Silkoset

Department of Marketing

According to study plan

ECTS Credits

Language of instruction


    The primary objective of this course is to teach the students various techniques and methods in marketing research. Major emphasis is given to designing research projects in relation to decision problems in businesses and organizations. The students should also be able to conduct simple types of data analysis themselves, and application of statistic in this connection is central.

    Basic course in statistics from the Foundation Program in Business administration or other corresponding courses.

    Compulsory reading
    Gripsrud, Geir, Ulf Henning Olsson og Ragnhild Silkoset. 2010. Metode og dataanalyse : Beslutningsstøtte for bedrifter med bruk av SAS JMP. 2. utg. Høyskoleforlaget

    Recommended reading
    Easterby-Smith, Mark, Richard Thorpe and Paul R. Jackson. 2008. Management research. 3rd ed. Los Angeles : Sage
    Ringdal, Kristen. 2007. Enhet og mangfold : samfunnsvitenskapelig forskning og kvantitativ metode. 2. utg. Bergen : Fagbokforlaget
    Silkoset, Ragnhild og Geir Gripsrud. 2010. Metode og dataanalyse : Oppgavesamling. 2. utg.. Kristiansand : Høyskoleforlaget
    Silkoset, Ragnhild. 2010. Enkel brukermanual til SAS JMP8. Kristiansand : Høyskoleforlaget

    Course outline
    Part 1
    1. Introduction to management research
    2. Research philosophy
    3. Formulating the research problem
    Part 2
    4. Secondary data and standardized data sources
    5. Qualitative research
    6. Survey research
    7. Reliability and validity
    8. Types of samples and sample size
    Part 3
    9. Hyphotesis testing
    10. Variance analysis
    11. Regression analysis
    12. Factor analysis
    Part 4
    13. Applying method and dataanalysis in projects

    Computer-based tools
    This course requires use of computer resources. Recommended software is SPSS.

    Course structure
    Full time and part time.
    The course consists of 45 lecturing hours, hereof 36 hours for lectures, 3 hours for exercies in class, and 6 hours for practical SPSS training. Additionally, the students are expected to spend time on exercises and assignments.

    The course is evaluated through a 4 hour written exam at the end of the semester. The written exam is given a regular letter grade.

    Examination code(s)
    EMS 23603 – Written exam, accounts for 100% of the final grade in the course EMS2360, 6 ECTS credits

    Examination support materials
    BI-approved exam calculator. Exam aids at written examiniations are explained under exam information in our web-based Student handbook. Please note use of calculator and dictionary. http://www.bi.edu/studenthandbook/examaids

    Re-sit examination
    Due to changes in our Bachelor Programmes from autumn 2009, there also will be changes in every single course.
    This course was lectured for the last time autumn 2010. Re-sit exam will be offered every term from fall 2011even spring 2013.

    Additional information