ELE 3751 Digital Learning and Collaboration


ELE 3751 Digital Learning and Collaboration

Responsible for the course
Ragnvald Sannes

Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour

According to study plan

ECTS Credits

Language of instruction

The course focuses on the use of technology to support learning, knowledge sharing and collaboration between individuals, within organizations, and in larger networks. With a practical approach, we will give students hands-on experience with digital tools. The course includes theories, models and frameworks that help students understand, analyse and evaluate the effect of digital tools in these processes.

Experts in enterprise social collaboration expect a breakthrough in adoption of new and more advanced tools by enterprises. We will follow this development and try out the use social media tools for our own learning and collaboration.

Learning outcome
After completed course students shall have attained:

  • Knowledge of learning processes on the individual, group and organizational level
  • Knowledge of a set of theories and models on learning and the potential impact of digital tools on these processes
  • Knowledge of mechanisms and factors that enhance knowledge sharing and collaboration in networks and how technology may support these processes
  • Overview of digital tools that support learning, knowledge sharing and collaboration

After completed course students should be able to:
  • Analyse and compare processes and mechanisms for learning, knowledge sharing and collaboration
  • Make feasible choices of digital tools
  • Use digital tools to support learning, knowledge sharing and collaboration

  • To reflect upon the relationship between own (individual) learning and the learning of other students
  • To reflect upon the potential and limitations of technology in learning, knowledge sharing and collaboration
  • To reflect upon ethical dilemmas in information collection and sharing, e.g. privacy issues


Compulsory reading
Krokan, Arne. 2012. Smart læring : hvordan IKT og sosiale medier endrer læring. Fagbokforlaget. 244. Kan kjøpes som e-bok fra Haugen bok, alt. klarering via Akademika (Kan bli obligatorisk)

Collection of articles:
Ragnvald Sannes. 2013. Digitalt Kurskompendie. I løpet av kurset vil det distribueres artikler og linker til bøker, nettsteder og annet materiell som inngår i pensum.

Studentdefinert litteratursamling. I arbeidet med oppgaver og prosjekter må studentene selv finne litteratur (under veiledning) som er relevant for deres prosjekt.

Recommended reading
Bradley, Anthony J., Mark P. McDonald. 2011. The social organization : how to use social media to tap the collective genius of your customers and employees. Harvard Business School Press. 252. Finnes som Kindle-bok hos Amazon
Davenport, Thomas H., Brook Manville. 2012. Judgment calls : 12 stories of big decisions and the teams that got them right. Harvard Business Review Press. Finnes som Kindle bok
Gray, Dave with Thomas Vander Wal. 2012. The connected company. O'Reilly. 304. Finnes som Kindle bok hos Amazon. Ekstra ressurser på http://connectedco.com/
Reinghold, Howard. 2012. Net smart : how to thrive online. MIT Press. 333. Kan lånes som e-bok i Dawsonera (biblioteket har boken i e-utgave). Kan være aktuell som obligatorisk
Safko, Lon. 2012. The social media bible : tactics, tools and strategies for business success. 3rd ed. Wiley. 642. Kan lånes som e-bok fra Dawsonera. Brukes som oppslagsverk/håndbok
Weinberger, David. 2011. Too big to know : rethinking knowledge now that the facts aren't the facts, experts are everywhere, and the smartest person in the room is the room. Basic Books

Course outline
Perspectives on learning
  • Learning theories such as Kolb experiential learning
  • Learning as reflective practice
  • Learning as an activity system
  • Social learning theory

Learning spaces
  • Individual learning
  • Communities of Practice
  • Knowledge management in organizations

Collaboration across time and space
  • Perspectives on collaboration and the use of technology
  • Overview of and experience with collaboration tools

Hands-on use of digital tools
  • Status and trends within digital tools for learning, knowledge sharing and collaboration
  • Hands-on testing of digital tools for assignments in the digital portfolio
  • Evaluation and comparison of specific tools
  • Reflections on the use of digital tools in learning, knowledge sharing and collaboration

Computer-based tools
The course require active use of digital tools such as web sites and apps.

Learning process and workload
The course includes 27 hours of lectures that will include activities such as group projects, presentations and feedback. The course will largely be driven by the participants' own interests depending on what topics they want to specialize in. The lectures are an introduction to a theoretical platform for students to apply in practical tasks. The pedagogical model for the course will include elements of project-based learning, the lecturer will act as mentor and facilitator.

From the angle of the students themselves choose for their projects and what they want to immerse themselves in, they will define the books and articles they must read in order to solve their task. A reference list where all litterature used during the course is required at the submission of the final portfolio.

Required workload:
Class sessions
Literature, preparations for class sessions
Work on assignments
Works on final portfolio for submission
Average recommended study hours

    Grade in the course is based on portfolio assessment. A portfolio is a systematic collection of student work that shows effort, process, progress and reflection.

    The items to be included in the portfolio will be listed on Itslearning when course starts.

    Examination code(s)
    ELE 37511 Portfolio evaluation, counts 100% of the grade in the course ELE 3751 Digital learning and Collaboration

    Examination support materials
    All support materials allowed.

    Re-sit examination
    Re-sit examiniation is offered at the scheduled course.

    Additional information

    File Attachment Icon
    ELE xx13 Læring, kunnskapsdeling og samhandling i en digital verden, artikkel 1.pdf
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    ELE xx13 Læring, kunnskapsdeling og samhandling i en digital verden, artikkel 2.pdf
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    ELE xx13 Læring, kunnskapsdeling og samhandling i en digital verden, artikkel 3.pdf