DRE 7022 Research Seminar in Economics

DRE 7022 Research Seminar in Economics

Course code: 
DRE 7022
Course coordinator: 
Plamen Toshkov Nenov
Course name in Norwegian: 
Research Seminar in Economics
Product category: 
PhD Economics courses
2019 Autumn
Active status: 
Level of study: 
Teaching language: 
Course type: 
One semester

This course provides a venue in which to develop PhD students’ presentation skills and debate work in progress for PhD students in economics in the second year and above. The workshop emphasizes the development of dissertation proposals and is a place where students can present their research to an audience of dedicated and informed peers. Faculty members with research interests matching the topic of the presenters will also provide feedback both on presentation and substance.

Learning outcomes - Knowledge

The course will provide students with a better understanding of how a research presentation is structured, organized, and delivered and what to expect in terms of comments and questions from an audience of academic economists. 

Learning outcomes - Skills

After taking this course, students should have improved their presentation skills and learned how to give and receive feedback. The presentation of dissertation work will help students towards the completion of their PhD.

General Competence

After taking this course, students should be able to critically assess the underlying assumptions of the methods used in their own research work and the research work of their peers.

Course content

This course for PhD students at the Department of Economics will run every semester. The department has monthly sessions of 90 minutes that the candidates are expected to participate in. During these sessions, the candidate is expected to present his/her work twice. The first presentation should be before the pre-doc and based on research in the early stages. This presentation could, for example, be based on a research idea that has not yet been spelled out in a paper.
A candidate should sign up for the course when he/she is close to completing his/her dissertation and will reach the goal of participating in eight compulsory sessions. During the course, the candidate is expected to participate actively in the sessions and present a second time, this time a polished paper (a practice job talk).
Junior visiting scholars may also give talks in this research seminar series.

Teaching and learning activities

A course of 6 ECTS credits corresponds to a workload of 160-180 hours. 

Software tools
No specified computer-based tools are required.
Additional information



Enrollment in a PhD programme is a general requirement for participation in PhD courses at BI Norwegian Business School.
External candidates are kindly asked to attach confirmation of enrollment in a PhD programme when signing up for a course. Other candidates may be allowed to sit in on courses by approval of the course leader. Sitting in on a course does not permit registration for the course, handing in exams or gaining credits for the course. Course certificates or confirmation letters will not be issued for sitting in on courses.

Required prerequisite knowledge


Exam category: 
Form of assessment: 
Class participation
Exam code: 
DRE 70221
Grading scale: 
Point scale leading to ECTS letter grade
All components must, as a main rule, be retaken during next scheduled course
Exam category: 
Form of assessment: 
Exam code: 
DRE 70221
Grading scale: 
Point scale leading to ECTS letter grade
All components must, as a main rule, be retaken during next scheduled course
Type of Assessment: 
Continuous assessment
Grading scale: 
Total weight: 
Sum workload: 

A course of 1 ECTS credit corresponds to a workload of 26-30 hours. Therefore a course of 6 ECTS credits corresponds to a workload of at least 160 hours.

Reading list