BTH 3620 Bachelor Thesis - Business Administration

BTH 3620 Bachelor Thesis - Business Administration

Course code: 
BTH 3620
Accounting and Operations Management
Course coordinator: 
Tor Tangenes
Course name in Norwegian: 
Bacheloroppgave - Økonomi og administrasjon
Product category: 
Bachelor of Business Administration - Programme Courses
2025 Spring
Active status: 
Level of study: 
Teaching language: 
Course type: 
One semester

The bachelor thesis is a major independent project, where students are required to formulate a problem statement within BI's subject areas and take full responsibility for conducting a research or investigative project. The thesis is written individually or in groups of up to three students.

All bachelor theses must contain at least the following chapters:

  1. Introduction, including background and motivation for the thesis, problem formulation with limitations, and information about the structure of the thesis.
  2. Literature review, including the theoretical foundation of the thesis.
  3. Methodology chapter, explaining in detail how data has been collected, analyzed, and interpreted.
  4. Presentation of data findings.
  5. Analysis of data findings.
  6. Discussion of analysis results.
  7. Conclusion and recommendations, where attempts are made to answer the research problems.

Any deviations from this structure must be approved by the supervisor. Certain types of theses may contain additional chapters.

Learning outcomes - Knowledge

The students are expected to understand how to conduct independent investigative work within a specified timeframe. They should acquire knowledge within the subject area of the task, supported by relevant literature. Additionally, they should comprehend what is required to meet scientific standards for methodology, form, and content.

Learning outcomes - Skills

The students are expected to acquire skills in:

  • Formulating a clear problem statement rooted in theory.
  • Describing the phenomenon to be studied.
  • Identifying and selecting relevant theories and methods for the task.
  • Applying key theories and methods to conduct analyses.
  • Collecting, evaluating, and critically interpreting relevant information for the task's problem statement.
  • Drawing credible and valid conclusions.
  • Crafting a well-written, well-structured thesis with logical organization.
  • Referencing correctly and consistently.
General Competence

The students are expected to develop the ability for critical reflection, including being able to assess a problem statement from various perspectives and critically engage with their own research process. They should have an understanding of ethical guidelines for research work, including managing confidentiality and the use of others' and potentially their own previous works in their research.

Course content

Students choose the thematic foundation and problem statement of their task themselves. The problem statement must be approved by the supervisor.

The course is conducted for all students through a combination of individual guidance and group lectures.

  1. Group teaching includes lectures on:

    • Database usage, referencing and citation rules, style guides, etc.
    • Basic understanding of general scientific principles for investigations.
    • Insight into various forms of qualitative and critically interpretive methods, including text analysis and source criticism, participant observation, and interviews.
    • Insight into various forms of quantitative methods.
    • Method triangulation.
    • Effective strategies for planning, writing, and revising various types of texts.
    • Criteria for assessing texts regarding structure, logic, readability, terminology usage, etc.
    • Source referencing.
  2. Individual guidance, seminars, workshops, and subject-specific group teaching.

    • All students are entitled to a minimum of 3 individual guidance sessions per task.
    • If the supervisor does not conduct seminars, subject-specific teaching, or workshops, students are entitled to 5 individual guidance sessions per task.
    • The supervisor determines which learning activities are to be conducted and how the learning elements should be composed.
Teaching and learning activities

The learning activities consist of a combination of self-study, group lectures, and individual guidance, often combined with subject-specific teaching, seminars, and/or workshops. For the course's learning outcomes to be satisfactory, it is assumed that students participate in all group activities and activities facilitated by the supervisor.

Software tools
Additional information

Kontinuasjon tilbys vår 2026 og siste gang vår 2027.


Higher Education Entrance Qualification


Deviations in teaching and exams may occur if external conditions or unforeseen events call for this.

Exam category: 
Form of assessment: 
Submission PDF
Exam/hand-in semester: 
First Semester
Group/Individual (1 - 3)
1 Semester(s)
Exam code: 
Grading scale: 
Examination when next scheduled course
Type of Assessment: 
Ordinary examination
Total weight: 
Student workload
20 Hour(s)
Feedback activities and counselling
3-5 Hour(s)
Seminar groups
0-8 Hour(s)
Group work / Assignments
340 Hour(s)
Prepare for teaching
29 Hour(s)
Sum workload: 

A course of 1 ECTS credit corresponds to a workload of 26-30 hours. Therefore a course of 15 ECTS credit corresponds to a workload of at least 400 hours.