BMP 2903 Managing Film, TV and Stage Production.
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BMP 2903 Managing Film, TV and Stage Production.
Responsible for the course
Terje Gaustad
Department of Communication - Culture and Languages
According to study plan
ECTS Credits
Language of instruction
The increasing professionalization of the cultural industries has created a stronger demand for production managers who do not only understand the technical and artistic processes, but who can also carry these out within a framework of economic and management understanding and knowledge.
This program provides participants with a tailored theoretic fundament in economics, project management and communication, and the theory is applied to a industry-specific context of production management in film, TV and stage productions.
Throughout the program participants work with cases from film, TV and stage productions. Through this work the participants are faced with challenges commonly experienced by production managers so that the theory is directly applied to the specific context of film, TV and stage production.
The program is carried out in collaboration with Nordisk Film & TV, The Norwegian Film and TV Producers' Association, the Association of Norwegian Theatres and Orchestras, and the Norwegian Association for Performing Arts.
Learning outcome
To develop the participants' knowledge to include:
- to be familiar with key relevant principals for organization and management of projects;
- to be familiar with key relevant principals for costing, budgeting and cost reporting for projects;
- to understand the special circumstances for value creation found in creative industries;
- to be familiar with key relevant principals for negotiations and managing conflicts;
- to be familiar with key standard agreements employed in film, TV and stage productions.
To develop the participants' skills so that they can manage film, TV and stage productions, including:
- the ability to manage a production in a manner that service both creative and economic value;
- the ability to manage unpredictable events in a way that leaves the production as little harmed as possible;
- the ability to cost and budget-adjust a production and use this as a management tool;
- the ability to manage negotiations, contracting and conflict settlement towards creative and administrative staff as well as suppliers;
Finally, through the use of case studies the participants should be trained in evaluating ethical dilemmas commonly found in the creative production processes.
No particular prerequisites are required to take part in the Bachelor Program, but participants should have a basic understanding of film, TV or stage production.
Compulsory reading
Andersson, Nina Blystad. 2011. Filmens hjerte : produksjonskontore. Fagbokforlaget. side 9-32, 47-218
Dean, Peter. 2002. Production management : making shows happen. Crowood Press
Isaacs, William. 1999. Dialogue and the art of thinking together : a pioneering approach to communicating in business and in life. Currency. Introduction: pp. 1-14, Chap. 1: pp. 17-48, Chaps. 8-9: pp. 185-238, Chap. 15: pp. 336-359
Karlsen, Jan Terje. 2013. Prosjektledelse : fra initiering til gevinstrealisering. 3. utg. Universitetsforlaget. kap. 1, 3-13
Sending, Aage. 2009. Økonomistyring 1. Fagbokforlaget. kap. 1, 3, 6-8, 17 og 18.2
Collection of articles:
Ed. T.Gaustad. Artikkelsamling
Recommended reading
Baggerånås, Liv. 1993. Produksjonsplanlegging og produksjonsledelse i fjernsyn : håndbok for produksjonsledere. Vett & Viten
Brown, Blain. 2008. Motion picture and video lighting. 2nd ed. Focal Press
Clevé, Bastian. 2006. Film production management. 3rd ed. Elsevier
Copley, Soozie and Philippa Killner. 2001. Stage management. Crowood
Elstad, Beate og Donatella De Paoli. 2008. Organisering og ledelse av kunst og kultur. Cappelen akademisk
Koster, Robert. 2004. The budget book for film and television. 2nd ed. Focal Press
Mitchell, Leslie. 2009. Production management for television. Routledge
Pallin, Gail. 2010. Stage management : the essential handbook. New ed. Nick Hern Books
Rizzo, Michael. 2005. The art direction handbook for film. Focal Press
Wheeler, Paul. 2005. Practical cinematography. 2nd ed. Focal Press
Zettl, Herbert. 2012. Television production handbook + workbook. 11th ed. Wadsworth Cengage Learning
Course outline
About half of each module will cover topics in project and resource management. In addition, each module will cover in depth:
1st course module – Production Management for Film, TV and Stage
- The role of the production manager within film, TV, commercials, theater, opera, concerts and events
- Value creation in creative projects
- Interdependence between creative and economic considerations
2nd course module – Organization and Management of Creative Projects
- What is special about the production manager? What do I manage and how?
- Which methods and techniques can I utilize as production manager?
3rd course module – Negotiations and Conflict Management
- Effective interorganizational communication
- Negotiation techniques
4th course module – Risk and Crisis Management
- Risk analysis
- Risk management
- Crisis management
5th course module – Deals, Contracts and Financing
- Industry agreements and standard agreements
- Practical contract application in productions
- Project financing
Computer-based tools
Movie Magic Budgeting and Scheduling Software and itslearning
Learning process and workload
The programme is conducted through five course modules, a total of 150 lecturing hours continuing during two semesters. The students for this course is assigned for lectures to each semester; the first semester is named BMP 2904 and the second BMP 2905.
The students are evaluated through a term paper, counting for 60% av the main grade and an individual written exam, counting for 40 % of the main grade. Both evaluations must be passed to obtain a certificate for the program. The term paper is written in groups of minimum two and maximum four persons.
Examination code(s)
BMP 29031 - written exam; accounts for 40% to pass the course BMP 2903, 30 credits.
BMP 29032 - term paper; accounts for 60% to pass the course BMP 2903, 30 credits.
Both evaluations must be passed to obtain a certificate for the program.
Examination support materials
Simple calculator is allowed for the written exam
Exam aids at written examinations are explained under exam information in our web-based Student handbook. Please note use of calculator and dictionary.
Re-sit examination
Re-sit at the next ordinary exam.
Additional information