BMP 2900 The Health Care Policy Framework
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APPLIES TO ACADEMIC YEAR 2015/2016 Norwegian version |
BMP 2900 The Health Care Policy Framework
Responsible for the course
Thomas Hoholm
Department of Innovation and Economic Organisation
According to study plan
ECTS Credits
Language of instruction
The advanced study program – the Frameworks of Health Care Systems, is recognized by National Authorities and constitutes a Bachelor programme in Health Care leadership with the value of 30 points.
Learning outcome
Crucial priorities of the programme are dialogue, reflection and learning, and where the profound questions of leadership and governance are in focus. The aim is to establish a coherent link between the general framework and practical results. Students are challenged to regard Health Care as an arena of continuous change and improvement where the scientific skills of the professionals combine with skills of leadership and governing.
After the completion of the course, the students are expected to have established insight and overview in the relations between the judicial, economic and organisational framework and day-to-day leadership, thus qualifying for new and demanding tasks.
Positions of leadership in Health Care have traditionally been the privilege of the health professions. Such is not to the same extent the case today. Real competence combined with documented and qualified education will give you a good platform for new challenges..
This course is demanding in the sense that it requires insight in the relations between health sciences, general framework and leadership. The future of Health Care depends on competent leadership at all levels.
There is an increased demand for economic understanding also in the Health Care system.
Having completed this program, the students are expected to have achieved an understanding of the economic factors as relevant elements of prioritisation in health services.
Qualifying for leadership requires ability to balance conflicting interests and relations. The aim of Handelshøyskolen BI is that the students after the completion of the advanced study will be qualified for new and demanding challenges of leadership in health care.
Necessary prequalifications for the Advanced Study – Framework of Health Care Systems – are completed “Basic study – Practical health care leadership” or “Intensive course in health leadership.
Direct admission is also possible in some cases. Contact student administration for an individual assessment .
Compulsory reading
Arntzen, Elisabeth. 2014. Ledelse og kvalitet i helsetjenesten : arbeidsglede og orden i eget hus. Gyldendal akademisk. 160
Lian, Olaug S. 2007. Når helse blir en vare : medikalisering og markedsorientering i helsetjenesten. 2. utg. Høyskoleforlaget. 233/10
Molven, Olav. 2012. Helse og jus. 7. utg. Gyldendal juridisk
Pettersen, Inger Johanne ... [et al.]. 2008. Økonomi og helse. 2. utg. Cappelen akademisk forlag
Stamsø, Mary Ann, red. 2009. Velferdsstaten i endring : norsk sosialpolitikk ved starten av et nytt århundre. 2. utg. Gyldendal akademisk. 304/12
Syse, Aslak, red. Norges lover : lovsamling for helse- og sosialsektoren .... Siste utg. Gyldendal juridisk
Collection of articles:
Hoholm, T. (red). 2013. Artikkelsamling til temaet "Ledelse, makt og verdier". Et utvalg aktuelle artikler legges opp som tillegg til Lians bok. Legges ut på itslearning ved kursstart.
2012-2013. Stortingsmelding nr.9, 2012-2013 Én innbygger - én journal. Digitale tjenester i helse- og omsorgssektoren. Stortingsmelding
NOU 2005: 3 "Fra stykkevis til helt. En sammenhengende helsetjeneste" 25 (2005-2006) "Mestring, muligheter og mening. Fremtidas omsorgsutfordringer"
Recommended reading
Befring, Anne Kjersti og Bente Ohnstad. 2010. Helsepersonelloven : med kommentarer. 3. utg. Fagbokforlaget
Haug, Kjell, Oddvar M. Kaarbøe og Trond E. Olsen, red. 2009. Et helsevesen uten grenser?. 2. utg. Cappelen akademisk forlag
Irgens, Eirik J. 2007. Profesjon og organisasjon : å arbeide som profesjonsutdannet. Fagbokforlaget. 237 s
Kjønstad, Asbjørn. 2007. Helserett : pasienters og helsearbeideres rettsstilling. 2. utg. Gyldendal akademisk
Riedl, Tore Roald og Wenche Dahl Elde. 2014. Psykisk helsevernloven : med nøkkelkommentarer. 2. utg. Cappelen Damm akademisk
Syse, Aslak. 2009. Pasientrettighetsloven : med kommentarer. 3. rev. utg. Gyldendal Akademisk
Tjora, Aksel, red. 2008. Den moderne pasienten. Gyldendal akademisk
Kåre Hagen, m.fl.. 2013. NOU Innovasjon i omsorg (Hagen-utvalget).. NOU. NOU 2013 nr.11. 184 sider
Course outline
Overview of subjects concerns the whole programme:
- Health Care Law
- The organisation and politics of Health Care
- Health economics and economic governance
- Sociology of professions
Computer-based tools
Learning process and workload
The course teaching is conducted over two terms, participants are signed up for one term at a time, the first term’s course is labelled BMP 2901 and the second term is BMP 2902.
The course is organized in 6 modules of 2-3 days’ duration, totalling 13 days or 117 lecture hours. Research methodology and guidance on the term paper work will also be included in the course modules. The teaching will consist of lectures, case studies and group work during the course modules. In the periods between the modules students will submit assignments that will be commented on by instructors.
The Distance Education Centre offers a study guide and guidance over the Internet and includes course pages, discussion groups and a voluntary assignment submission program.
The course modules will focus on practical applications in concrete tasks and challenges in health care organizations - from hospitals and municipal health care to health care performed by non-profit organizations and commercial, private health care.
Participants hand in a term paper at the end of the second term and sit for a five-hour individual written exam. The term paper may be written individually or in groups of up to three students. Both evaluations must be completed and passed in order to have passed the course BMP 2900 The Health Care Policy Framework, 30 credits
Examination code(s)
BMP 29001 The Health Care Policy Framework, five hours written exam, counting for 60 % of the final grade in BMP 2900, 30 credits.
BMP 29002 The Health Care Policy Framework, term paper, counting for 40 % of the final grade in BMP 2900, 30 credits
Both evaluations must be passed to obtain a certificate for the program.
Examination support materials
BI approved exam calculator. Examination support materials at written examinations are explained under examination information in the student portal @bi. Please note use of calculator and dictionary in the section on support materials (
Re-sit examination
Re-sit at the next ordinary exam
Additional information