BIK 6600 Project Management 1
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BIK 6600 Project Management 1 Responsible for the course Anne Live Vaagaasar Department Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour Term According to study plan ECTS Credits 7,5 Language of instruction Norwegian Introduction Bachelor Program in Project Management consists of three courses, where each course builds on the previous one. It is taken as a prerequisite that the students follow the progression through the program (Project Management 1 before Project Management 2, and Project Management 1 and 2 before Project Management 3). After completion of all three courses the program will be accepted as a 30 credits Bachelor Program or as an optional specialization as part of the Bachelor Program. In addition to the regional colleges, Center of Distance Education will offer this program with its own specific teaching. The courses of the program:
Learning outcome Knowledge outcomes By the end of course the student will have developed the following knowledge outcomes:
Skills outcomes By the end of the course the student should have developed the following skill outcomes:
Value/attitudes outcomes By the end of the course the student should have developed the following value/attitudes outcomes:
Prerequisites There are no specific prerequisites needed to be accepted to the program. It is considered a prerequisite that the students follow the progression through the program. Compulsory reading Books: Andersen, Erling S., Kristoffer Grude og Tor Haug. 2009. Målrettet prosjektstyring. 6. utg. NKI-forlaget Jessen, Svein Arne. 2008. Prosjektledelse trinn for trinn : en håndbok i ledelse av små og mellomstore prosjekter (SMPer). 2. utg. Universitetsforlaget Recommended reading Books: Esnault, Michel. 2005. Prosjektoppstart : du har ikke tid til å ha det travelt. Gyldendal akademisk Course outline
Computer-based tools itslearning. There are no specific requirements to computer-tools in the course. In some of the courses demonstration of computer-tools might take place. Learning process and workload The course consists of 42 hours of instruction over one semester or six full days of instruction. The teaching will consists of lectures, group discussions and project thesis supervision. The course will also be given by Center for Distance Education as a combination of seminars and use of Internet. Examination The students must hand in a project paper at the end of the course. An important part of the course will be that the students already from the start identify a project, which they can study during the course period. The project can be completed or still active. The project will be the basis for the project paper. The paper can be written individually or in a group of maximum three students. Supervision will be given. The paper should not exceed 20 pages of text (figures and tables not included). Examination code(s) BIK 66001 Project Management 1, term paper. The paper counts for 100% of the grade of BIK 6600, 7,5 credits. Examination support materials All aids allowed Re-sit examination Re-sit at the next exam. Additional information |
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