BIK 6510 Project Management 3

Norwegian version

BIK 6510 Project Management 3

Responsible for the course
Anne Live Vaagaasar

Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour

According to study plan

ECTS Credits

Language of instruction

Bachelor Program in Project Management consists of three courses, where each course builds on the previous one. It is taken as a prerequisite that the students follow the progression through the program (Project Management 1 before Project Management 2, and Project Management 1 and 2 before Project Management 3). After completion of all three courses the program will be accepted as a 30 credits Bachelor Program or as an optional specialization as part of the Bachelor Program.

In addition to the regional colleges, BI Nettstudier will offer this program..

The courses of the program:

  • BIK 6600 Project Management 1 (PL 1): 7,5 credits
  • BIK 6601 Project Management 2 (PL 2): 7,5 credits
  • BIK 6510 Project Management 3 (PL 3): 15 credits

Learning outcome
The course builds on BIK 6600 Project Management 1 and BIK 6601 Project Management 2. The compulsory literature from those courses is still of relevance.

In BIK 6510 Project Management emphasis will be on creating an understanding of the role of projects in developing a private or public enterprise. Insight will be given into how one manages a portfolio of projects or a single project. Extra weight will be given to economic analysis of projects. Uncertainty attached to the single project and the portfolio will be discussed.

The learning outcomes for BIK 6600 Project Management 1 and BIK 6601 Project Management 2 are valid also for BIK 6510 Project Management 3. In addition we have the following learning outcomes:

Knowledge outcomes
By the end of the course the student will have developed the following knowledge outcomes:
  • have basic knowledge of economic analysis of a project
  • have basic knowledge of uncertainty attached to a single project and the project portfolio
  • have basic knowledge of management of a project and a project portfolio

Skills outcomes
By the end of the course the student will have developed the following skills outcomes:
  • be able to conduct an economic analysis of a project
  • be able to conduct an uncertainty analysis of a project
  • be able to analyze a professional text on project management and draw own conclusions
  • be able to utilize knowledge from project mnanagement theory on practical and theoretical problems
  • be able to utilize results from research and development work
  • be able to search for and evaluate information about project management in critical and ethical ways

Value/attitudes outcomes
By the end of the course the student will have developed the following value/attitudes outcomes:
  • have an understanding of the role that could be played by projects in developing public or private enterprises and the society

There are no specific prerequisites needed to be accepted to the program. It is considered a prerequisite that the students follow the progression through the program.

Compulsory reading
Andersen, Erling S. og Eva Schwenke. 2012. Prosjektarbeid : en veiledning for studenter. 4. utg. NKI-forlaget
Andersen, Erling S., Kristoffer Grude og Tor Haug. 2009. Målrettet prosjektstyring. 6. utg. NKI-forlaget
Briner, Wendy, Colin Hastings og Michael Geddes. 2000. Prosjektledelse. Gyldendal akademisk
Bøhren, Øyvind og Per Ivar Gjærum. 2009. Prosjektanalyse : investering og finansering. Rev. utg. Fagbokforlaget
Husby, Otto ... [et al.]. 1999. Usikkerhet som gevinst : styring av usikkerhet i prosjekter : mulighet - risiko, beslutning, handling. Norsk senter for prosjektledelse
Jessen, Svein Arne. 2008. Prosjektledelse trinn for trinn : en håndbok i ledelse av små og mellomstore prosjekter (SMPer). 2. utg. Universitetsforlaget
Karlsen, Jan Terje. 2013. Prosjektledelse : fra initiering til gevinstrealisering. 3. utg. Universitetsforlaget. Særlig vekt på kapitlene 2, 6, 10, 12-13

Recommended reading

Course outline
  • Management of projects
  • Project control and value creation
  • Uncertainties in project
  • Use of IT tools in project work
  • Project proposals, selection of project short list, cash flow, profitability, cost of capital, risk analysis
  • Work on thesis

Computer-based tools
itslearning. Some of the courses demonstration of computer-tools might take place.

Learning process and workload
The teaching will consists of lectures, itslearning, group discussions and thesis supervision. The course consists over two semesters. The first semester course is called BIK 6511 and the second BIK 6512.

The course will also be given by BI Nettstudier.

The students must hand in a thesis at the end of the course. The thesis should analyze a topic or problem related to a project or portfolio of projects. Supervision will be given.
Examination code(s)
BIK 65101 Thesis. The thesis counts for 100% of the grade of BIK 6510, 15 credits.

Examination support materials

Re-sit examination
At the next ordinary exam.

Additional information