BIK 3705 Transformational Leadership
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APPLIES TO ACADEMIC YEAR 2015/2016 Norwegian version |
BIK 3705 Transformational Leadership
Responsible for the course
Stig Ytterstad
Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour
According to study plan
ECTS Credits
Language of instruction
Massive research during the last decade has created a new leadership paradigm: Transformational leadership. Transformational leadership in many ways means change management. This is a type of leadership that focuses on totality, but with an eye for the individual employee at the same time. Research states that executing this leadership results in both more satisfied employees and better economic results for organizations. The course is built on solid scientific findings. The target group for the course will be leaders or other staff members who aspire to be leaders, in addition to those who want to be updated on new theory and practice within leadership development.
Learning outcome
Acquired Knowledge
The participants shall achieve the basic theoretical insight in the central elements within transformational leadership, and get a more comprehensive understanding of this form of leadership.
Acquired Skills
The participants will be trained to develop skills within the essential topics in transformational leadership. Central learning goals in the course would be: to be a role model and be able to motivate the employees and create varied challenges.
The course seeks to develop the participant’s awareness and understanding of the most central elements of this leadership paradigm.
Compulsory reading
Avolio, Bruce J., Bernard M. Bass, eds. 2002. Developing potential across a full range of leadership : cases on transactional and transformational leadership. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
Glasø, Lars og Geir Thompson, red. 2013. Transformasjonsledelse. Gyldendal akademisk. Hele boken
Book extract:
Kaufmann, Geir og Astrid Kaufmann. 2015. Psykologi i organisasjon og ledelse. 5. utg. Fagbokforlaget. Kapittel 14. Deles ut som særtrykk
Stubsjøen, Sigurd. 2008. Tenk deg til suksess. Aschehoug. Kapittel 2,4 og 6. 71 sider. Er utgått fra forlaget. Deles ut som særtrykk.
Recommended reading
Bass, Bernard M., Ronald E. Riggio. 2006. Transformational leadership. 2nd ed. L. Erlbaum Associates. Hele boken
Barling, J., T. Weber and E. K. Kelloway. 1996. Effects of Transformal Leadership. Training on Attitudinal and Financial Outcomes: A Field Experiment.. Journal of Applied Psychology. Volume 81. No 6. 827-832
Bono, J.E. and Judge, T.A.. 2004. Personality and Transformational and Transactional Leadership: A Meta-Analysis. Journal of Applied Psychology. Vol 89, No 5. 901-910
DeGroot, T., D. S. Kiker and T. C. Cross. 2000. A meta-analysis to review organizational outcomes related to charismatic leadership. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences. 17. 356-37|
Dvir, T., D. Eden, B. J. Avolio, B. Sharmir. 2002. Impact of tranformational leadership on follower development and performance: A field experiment. Academy of Management Journal. vol 45, No 4. 735-744
Course outline
There will be exercises to develop leadership behaviour in following topics:
- How to exert an idealistic influence
- How to be a role model
- Good decision making
- Motivation development
- How to inspire
- How to create a good team spirit
- Giving challenges
- Independent work
- Making creative solutions
- Individual consideration
- How to take care of the need of the individual
Computer-based tools
Learning process and workload
The course is based on 42 hours that will be a mix of overview lectures, discussions and exercises. The exercises play a central role in the development of skills within transformational leadership. The participants must therefore be active. The participants could take a leadership test (MLQ) on the course, with feedback. The course is organized in the form 2-day modules. The participants have access to a coach for a total of three hours to reach their goals. The cost for this is covered by the fee.
The marks in the course are based on following activities:
Part 1. A self-development report of maximum eight pages. The report must describe goals, experiences and development during the course. This accounts for 50% of the mark in the course. The details on this are given when the course starts.
Part 2. An individual three hour written exam that accounts for 50% of the final mark in this course.
Examination code(s)
BBIK 37051 – Process exam accounts for 100% of the mark in the course, 7.5 ECTS.
Examination support materials
An English-Norwegian/Norwegian-English dictionary is allowed.
Re-sit examination
Re-sit will be offered in connection with the next ordinary course. All parts must be taken.
Additional information