BIK 2921 Security Management 1


BIK 2921 Security Management 1

Responsible for the course
Jon Lereim

Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour

According to study plan

ECTS Credits

Language of instruction

The speciality program on Security Management consists of three independent courses, although building upon each other in sequence (SL1 prior to SL2 and SL2 prior to SL3).
When the exams are passed in all three courses, the program is approved to give 30 study points in the degree Bachelor of Management study.

The following courses are included in the program:
  • BIK 2921 Security Management 1 ( SL 1): 7,5 study points
  • BIK 2922 Security Management 2 ( SL 2): 7,5 study points
  • BIK 2303 Security Management 3 ( SL 3): 15 study points

Learning outcome
Security Management 1 gives an introduction to the basic security management topics and its reference to the governmental regulations and legal systems.
The candidates will during the course achieve an understanding of the various security threats towards the society at large, as well as its impact on industries and public organizations.
Focus is on how to perform security management within your own organization.

No university pre-qualifications are required for enrolment in SL 1, however a condition for participation is enrolment in all three courses in Security Management.

Compulsory reading
Andenæs, Johs. og Arne Fliflet. 2006. Statsforfatningen i Norge. 10. utg. Universitetsforlaget. Utvalgte kapitler
Boe, Erik. 2010. Innføring i juss : juridisk tenkning og rettskildelære. 3. utg. Universitetsforlaget. 427 sider
Finstad, Liv og Cecilie Høigård, red. 2007. Kriminologi. 4. utg. Pax. Kap. 4-8, 10,17,19-22
Rønneberg, Kari. 1998. Vår sosiale virkelighet : innføring i sosiologi for studenter ved Politihøgskolen. Vett & viten. 173 sider

Norge. Norges Lover. Oslo: Grøndahl. benyttes gjennom hele kurset som oppslags- referanseverk

Recommended reading
Christie, Nils. 1982. Hvor tett et samfunn?. 2. rev. utg. Universitetsforlaget. Kap 3 Samfunnstypen, Kap 4 Kontrollkonsekvenser. Nyere opptrykk fra 1999

Det Kriminalitetsforebyggende råd. 1997. Økonomisk kriminalitet over landegrensene : rapport fra Det kriminalitetsforebyggende råds konferanse 22.10.1997.. Oslo: KRÅD
Justis- og politidepartementet. 2004. Regjeringens handlingsplan mot økonomisk kriminalitet. Oslo: Justis- og politidepartementet : Finansdepartementet
St. meld. nr. 17 (1996-97) Om innvandring og det flerkulturelle Norge.. Oslo: Kommunal- og arbeidsdepartementet. Del I: 1.Plattform. Del II: 4.1.1 Forhold il minoriteter, og 4.4. Demografi og levekår.

Course outline
Main Topics
  • Scenarios of threats
  • Society needs for a safe and predictable environment
  • Public & Private security issues
  • Laws and regulations
  • Legal system
  • Sources of a legal society
  • Criminology
  • Leadership challenges

Computer-based tools

Learning process and workload
The course Security Management 1 is organized as 2 three day seminars with a total of 48 lectures including group discussions, group assignments and supervision in connection with the scientific assignment ( 4 hours).

In addition, the students are expected to perform self study and extensive work with the scientific assignment, with particular focus on cases related to his/her own job and organization.

Lecturers are specialists and advisors from Norwegian Security Association and BI Norwegian Business School.
The pedagogic learning profile is to a large extent the so called action based learning, in which interactive discussions and sharing experiences are key elements.
The basic literature will to some extent be supplemented with course material from the respective lecturers.

The course will be completed through handing in the course paper. The course paper may be written individually or in a group of up three students. Maximum length is 20 pages. A guide is provided to the students.

Examination code(s)
BIK 29211 - Course paper; counts for 100 % in order to pass BIK 2921, 7,5 credits.

Examination support materials
All aids are allowed + calculator TEXAS INSTRUMENTS BA II PlusTM.

Re-sit examination
At the next ordinary exam.

Additional information