BIK 2908 Recruitment, interview technics and newcomers´ learning processes
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BIK 2908 Recruitment, interview technics and newcomers´ learning processes
Responsible for the course
Cathrine Filstad, Ole I Iversen
Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour
According to study plan
ECTS Credits
Language of instruction
In a knowledge society, the focus is on competence as important competition advantage for most organizations, with consequences on recruitment of new employees, what interview techniques to use, and how to facilitate newcomers learning processes. More focus on recruitment and the selection process, what competence the organization needs and how to increase knowledge on newcomer’s socialization processes is therefore important. Optimal and effective solutions are therefore focus, along with research questioning what methods to use. For instance when it comes to psychological tests and how they are applied and used. Recruitment still has a lot of potential when it comes to methods, interviews, selections, effectiveness and productivity. And at the same time, the recruitment process gives important knowledge about the newcomers and how to facilitate their learning processes once entering the organization. To recognize organizational socialization taking from 6-12 months as to when we can consider the newcomers established in the new organization, is also important for the facilitation of their learning processes.
Learning outcome
The objective with this course is to offer our participators an introduction to different selection methods, its utility value and efficiency. We will emphasize interview as a tool and which requirements the organization must place when it comes to the use of psychological tests. Theories about personality, intelligence and creativity will be a necessary background for the use of tests together with the ethical reflections associated with the selection process. During this course our participants will:
Complete structured and situational job interviews
Do a utility-cost analysis of own employments
Quality assure a job interview
Distinguish between good and bad tests
Organize for good training- and education plans for newcomers` learning processes
In addition, our objective with this course is to offer our participants an increased understanding of those requirements and expectation the organization is facing when it comes to organizing for formal and informal learning processes and learning arenas in the organization. The participants will gain necessary knowledge about established colleagues significance for the newcomers, how informal groupings may strengthen the newcomers knowledge development, and how theories and research within self leadership and knowledge development may offer optimal solutions for newcomers` organizational socialization processes.
The course may also be approved by the Norwegian Veritas and provide, in accordance with guidelines, the basis for applying for certification in accordance with DNV standards for recruiting personnel.
Learning objective
Contribute to those participants complete efficient and reliable recruitment processes, together with organizing for newcomers learning processes.
Knowledge objective
Finishing the course, the participants should be able to prepare a job- and requirement specification, and also prepare, plan and implement an effective and reliable recruitment process. They should also be able to prepare an training plan for newcomers and organize their learning processes.
Behavioral objective
The course contribute to that participants gets a reflective and realistic view of the accuracy in a recruitment process. They should finish a good recruitment process and learning process in a righteous way. As well, they will gain a conscious relation to individual differences, ethical problems and other conditions one must allow for.
Compulsory reading
Filstad, Cathrine. 2010. Organisasjonslæring : fra kunnskap til kompetanse. Fagbokforlaget. Kapittel 4, 5 (kunnskapens mange ansikter 93-97, taus og eksplisitt kunnskap 102-104, case 1), 6, 7, 8 og 10
Iversen, Ole I. 2015. Rekrutterings- og intervjuteknikk. 1 utg.. Fagbokforlaget. 152s.
Jakobsen, Cathrine Filstad. 2003. Nyansatte i organisasjoner : perspektiver på læring og organisasjonssosialisering. Abstrakt forlag. Kap 3 (OS som læring 56-83), kap 7 , 8 (156-176)
Kaufmann, Geir og Astrid Kaufmann. 2009. Psykologi i organisasjon og ledelse. 4. utg. Fagbokforlaget. Kap.5
Recommended reading
Course outline
Various selection methods, its efficiency and value
Job analysis - the foundation for the selection process
Psychological basic assumptions for recruitment and learning
Requirements to and overview of psychological tests
Learning in organizations - tacit and explicit knowledge
Organizational socialization: newcomers learning processes
Community of practice - formal and informal communities for learning and knowledge development
Established colleagues as coaches, mentors and role models
Computer-based tools
Learning process and workload
The course is carried out over one semester with 42 course hours. The students must be aware of some preparations outside ordinary class hours.
The course is completed with a 4 hours written exam.
Examination code(s)
BIK 29081 - Written exam; counts for 100% of the final grade in course BIK 2908, 7,5 credits.
Examination support materials
No aids allowed
Re-sit examination
Re-sit at the next ordinary exam.
Additional information