EXC 3632 Corporate Governance
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EXC 3632 Corporate Governance
Responsible for the course
Knut Sogner
Department of Innovation and Economic Organisation
According to study plan
ECTS Credits
Language of instruction
The aim of the course is to introduce the students to the importance of corporate governance in developing sustainable business enterprises. Recent experiences in Norway and other countries have highlighted the effect that poor corporate governance can have on firm performance, survival and reputation. Today, not only investors, but also public authorities and high performance employees are examining a company’s corporate governance and control systems before committing to that firm. This course examines the evolving view of corporate governance in a global perspective.
Learning outcome
Acquired Knowledge
After completed course students shall have learned of:
- Basic corporate governance concepts and theories
- International and national standards for corporate governance
- Corporate governance mechanisms and processes
Acquired Skills
After completed course students shall be able to:
- Analyze the incentives and payoffs of different corporate structures
- Use corporate governance analytical tools
- Respect for the ethical issues in corporate governance
- Understanding of sustainable business practices both in economic, social, cultural and environmental terms
Required study progress for BBA-degree
Compulsory reading
Huse, Morten. 2007. Boards, governance and value creation : the human side of corporate governance. Cambridge University Press. Chapter 1-9, pp. 1-236
Larcker, David F. and Brian Tayan. 2015. Corporate governance matters : a closer look at organizational choices and their consequences. FT Press
Book extract:
R.Edward Freeman. Strategic management: A Stakeholder approach.. 2010. Cambridge University Press. Chapter 9. Conflict at the Board Level, pp. 195-213
Porter, M.E. and Kramer, M.R.. 2011. Creating Shared Value. Harvard Business Review. Jan.-Feb.:Reprint R1101C.. pp. 62-77
Recommended reading
Course outline
Course outline (order of introduction may be adjusted)
- Introduction to the course, the history of the corporate governance field
- Corporate governance theories
- Board composition, interaction and performance
- Organization strategy, business models and risk assessment
- Incentives and compensation
- Reporting, audit and control
- Shareholder and stakeholder engagement
- Value creation and profit sharing
- Corporate governance standards
- New trends, course wrap up
Computer-based tools
It's Learning, word, excel, powerpoint/prezi etc. youtube, other tool introduced if needed
Learning process and workload
The course consists of weekly lectures over a period of 12 weeks.
The progress is secured through discussions and debates during the lectures. Students are expected to participate actively in class and to have completed the reading assignments before each class. They will be asked to present their views on the assigned cases, and to clearly argue their position in discussions of the cases.
Recommended workload in hours
Activity | Hours |
Participation at lectures | 36 |
Preparations for lectures | 72 |
Readings | 72 |
Preparation of case | 20 |
Total recommended use of time | 200 |
The learning process includes are two coursework assignments where the first is preparation of a case presentation and a question for discussion in class. The presentation may be done in in groups of up to 5 students. The list of possible cases will be presented in the beginning of the semester. The second assignment is a multiple choice test given on Itslearning.
A three hours individual witten exam concludes the course.
Examination code(s)
EXC 36321 Written exam, counts 100% towards the final grade in the course EXC 3632 Corporate Governance 7,5 credits.
Examination support materials
Bilingual dictionary.
Re-sit examination
Re-sit at the next ordinary exam
Additional information