ELE 3777 Branding


ELE 3777 Branding

Responsible for the course
Mehrad Moeini Jazani

Department of Marketing

According to study plan

ECTS Credits

Language of instruction

Branding, or brand building and brand management concern almost all players in the public and private sectors of the economy. Branding deals extensively with positioning and value creation for customers, with the objective of becoming the preferred provider of products or services. As an increasing number of sectors and categories in the economy is becoming demand-driven, this implies that customers will have to make choices between competing, alternative suppliers. In this situation, most people behave as customers who choose between different brands to satisfy different needs.

This is a basic course in branding. With a wide focus, it stresses that branding is far more than making persuasive advertising. A brand is made by an organization, and subsequently positioned toward a target customer group. The frame of reference adopted by this course, is one of accepting that the brand and its position basically exist in one place: in the minds of the customers, as a mental representation, or position if you like. As such, this course holds a strong focus on the customer, and regards customer-value creation as the premise for brand strategies. Accordingly, the student's existing knowledge of consumer behaviour in particular, and marketing management in general, is the foundation on which to build an understanding of brand management.

Learning outcome
Acquired knowledge:
On completion of the course the student shall:

  • Be able to describe and understand why brands exist, and their value and functions for buyers and owners.
  • Be able to describe, understand and identify central components of a branded article, brand awareness, brand associations, and how these components are established in consumers' memory.
  • Possess knowledge of, and ability to describe, and an understanding of the most important theories and principles for the development of brands at the article and corporate level.
  • Possess knowledge of, and ability to describe and discuss varying strategies for brand growth, including brand extensions, brand hierarchies and brand portfolios, brand elements, brand collaborations, and brand communications

Acquired skills:
On completion of the course the student shall:
  • Be able to give a presentation of different methods for brand valuation, and how they (in principle) should be conducted
  • Be able to apply the brand equity pyramid or other brand management models to identify gaps between a brand's real and desired position
  • Be able to develop suggestions for brand growth strategies, including extensions, architecture, collaboration, brand elements and brand communications
  • Be able to apply knowledge and theories of branding across contexts: products, services, public and private sector, concrete articles and abstract corporate levels

Developed reflection:
Brands have strong social and symbolic functions, and can be misused as means of sanctions towards those lacking resources to buy these brands. The student should understand, and show a willingness to take into consideration that brands play such significant roles in many markets that some might be tempted to sacrifice ethics and morale to achieve their goals. This responsibility holds for all aspects of brand building.

Introductory courses in Marketing Management, Consumer Behaviour, and Marketing Communication or equivalent skills are required.

Compulsory reading
Keller, Kevin Lane. 2013. Strategic brand management : building, measuring, and managing brand equity. 4th ed., global ed. Pearson

Collection of articles:
Samuelsen, Bendik M. (Ed.). 2011. Compendium of Articles and Cases. Handelshøyskolen BI

During the course there may be hand-outs and other material on additional topics relevant for the course and the examination.

Recommended reading

Course outline
  • Introduction to brand management as a theoretical field and arena for managerial decisions
  • Brand awareness and brand associations
  • The brand value chain, the customer based brand equity pyramid
  • Brand elements
  • Brand extensions, brand architecture and brand portfoliomanagement
  • Brand communications: objectives and planning
  • Brand collaboration

Computer-based tools
None required.

Learning process and workload
The learning outcomes are to be achieved through a combination of lectures and group work with assignments. Discussion of solutions of assignments will be conducted in class.

Two cases will be handed out at the beginning of the course. These are to be solved in groups of two - three students, and must be handed in at assigned dates/time. Individual submissions will only be accepted in extreme cases based on a written application.

Recommended use of hours:
Activity Hours
Participation in classes
Preparation for classes
Assignment work in groups
Self-study, preparations for the examination
Total recommended use of hours

    A three-hour individual written examination concludes the course.
    Examination code(s)
    ELE 37771 - Written examination, counts 100% towards the final grade in ELE 3777 Branding, 7,5 credits.

    Examination support materials
    No support materials allowed except for a bilingual dictionary.
    Examination support materials at written examiniations are explained under examination information in the student portal @BI. Please note use of calculator and dictionary. https://at.bi.no/EN/Pages/Exa_Hjelpemidler-til-eksamen.aspx

    Re-sit examination
    A re-sit is held at the end of next ordinary course.

    Additional information