ELE 3657 BI Internship on Exchange

ELE 3657 BI Internship on Exchange

ELE 3657
Kommunikasjon og kultur
Benedicte Brøgger
Kursnavn på engelsk: 
BI Internship on Exchange
Bachelor - Valgkurs
2020 Høst
Aktiv status: 
Ett semester

This is a combination of internship and exchange. The objective of the course is to give students the opportunity to combine work experience with earning credits (studies) in a manner that enhances their learning in both situations. By working in an enterprise during an exchange program, the students get to use theories and models they have learnt at school to solve practical tasks in an international context. This brings forth the relevance of the academic knowledge and understanding of how companies function in different cultural settings. At the same time, the course gives them the opportunity to systematically reflect on their practical work experiences. This prepares them for working life. The business community gets access to updated academic knowledge, able hands and the opportunity to address their needs for new knowledge as they prepare the internship activities for their interns. The student is responsible for finding an internship company.

  • Know about the key operative function in an enterprise and their interconnectedness.
  • Have an overview of the formal management systems of the enterprise.
  • Understanding cross-cultural management and an international business environment.
  • Ability to define and negotiate a realistic and productive work plan with manager
  • Know how to identify and use relevant and reliable information, theories and models, in writing as well as orally.
  • Ability to reflect on own professional development in an international work environment
  • Ability to develop intercultural communication skills
Generell kompetanse
  • Respect for the complexities involved in doing business.
  • Independence and responsibility.
  • Evaluate sustainability as an important element in suggested courses of action in the internship company.
  • Critical reflection
Kursets innhold
  • The internship phases
  • Learning contract and work tasks
  • On companies and enterprises
  • Problem statement, outline, syllabus and term paper
  • Professional development
  • Uses of theory
  • Reflection tools
Undervisnings- og læringsaktiviteter

In internship company: 96 hours
The work tasks must be agreed with the company, including hours to preparatory work with the term paper. The work must be done during the semester, preferably through a full workday (a 8 hours) each week during the semester. If needed, the intern and company may agree to a slightly different workload, for example is a trade fair, survey or other activities require the student to work more during some weeks. The length of the internship work in the company shall not exceed 15 weeks calculated from the start of the semester. The work is not paid, and emphasis is on the intern's learning.

At school: 104 hours

  • One mandatory kick-off seminar before departure. The seminar's content is the different phases of an Internship and inter-cultural learning and understanding. 
  • 4 online workshops with other interns 
  • 2 individual online tuition sessions, of which one is specifically on term paper review. 
  • It's learning activities. 
  • Literature review/term paper (individual). 
  • Prepare oral presentation.
  • Applications for web-based dialogue, It's Learning, at.bi, and ordinary work programs like word, excel and powerpoint/Prezi.

This is a course with continuous assessment (several exam components) and one final exam code. Each exam component is graded by using points on a scale from 0-100. The components will be weighted together according to the information in the course description in order to calculate the final letter grade for the examination code (course). Students who fail to participate in one/some/all exam elements will get a lower grade or may fail the course. You will find detailed information about the point system and the cut off points with reference to the letter grades when the course start.

At re-sit all exam components must, as a main rule, be retaken during next scheduled course.

Det benyttes ingen spesielle dataverktøy i kurset.

Generell studiekompetanse


Grunnet Covid-19 pandemien vil det kunne forekomme avvik i undervisnings- og læringsaktiviteter samt eksamen, sammenlignet med det som er beskrevet i denne kursbeskrivelsen.


In order to qualify to the international internship, the student must first have been enrolled in the exchange programme. Students must also ensure that the particular university they have their exchange program at allows for the international internship module. Student must have good study progress in the chosen bachelor field and C as the average grade. Ability to read and write English is expected.
To apply, the student must submit a CV, report on grades, a letter of motivation and a signed learning contract with the company and a letter of confidentiality. The letter of motivation must contain what the student seeks to achieve in terms of professional development from working in the specific company. The learning contract must describe the intern’s role and responsibility during the internship, the expected learning outcome for the intern, the expected practical outcome for the company, progress and name, signature and contact details of the contact person in the company. Acceptance for the course will be based on assessment of progress, grades, letter of motivation, CV and learning contract. If there is a need for more information, the student will be invited to an interview.

Skriftlig innlevering
1 Semester
ELE 36571
Poengskala som leder til ECTS bokstavkarakter
Eksamen ved neste kursgjennomføring
30 Minutt(er)
ELE 36571
Poengskala som leder til ECTS bokstavkarakter
Eksamen ved neste kursgjennomføring
Total vekting: 
Forventet arbeidsinnsats
Bedriftsbesøk og/eller studietur
96 Time(r)
In internship company: The work tasks must be agreed with the company, including hours to preparatory work with the term paper. The work must be done during the semester, preferably through a full workday (a 8 hours) each week during the semester. If needed, the intern and company may agree to a slightly different workload, for example is a trade fair, survey or other activities require the student to work more during some weeks. The length of the internship work in the company shall not exceed 15 weeks calculated from the start of the semester. The work is not paid, and emphasis is on the intern's learning.
4 Time(r)
"At school"
- 4 hours Mandatory kick-off seminar before departure. The seminar's content is the different phases of an Internship and inter-cultural learning and understanding.
Studentenes eget arbeid med læringsressurser
100 Time(r)
- 4 online workshops with other interns
- 2 individual online tuition sessions, of which one is specifically on term paper review.
- Itslearning activities.
- Literature review/term paper (individual).
- Prepare oral presentation.
Sum arbeidsinnsats: 

Et kurs med 1 studiepoeng tilsvarer en arbeidsmengde på 26-30 timer. Et kurs på 7,5 studiepoeng tilsvarer derfor en arbeidsmengde på minimum 200 timer.
