TEM 0017 EU and EEA Law in Practice

TEM 0017 EU and EEA Law in Practice

Course code: 
TEM 0017
Law and Governance
Course coordinator: 
Jonatan Echebarria Fernández
Course name in Norwegian: 
EU og EØS-rett i praksis
Product category: 
Master of Science in Law
2025 Autumn
Active status: 
Level of study: 
Teaching language: 
Course type: 
One semester

Complete course description will be ready summer 2023.


The course builds on skills that the students have developed from their bachelor's studies, taking into account solid knowledge of the main features of the EU and EEA legal methodology, central provisions of the EEA Agreement, the duties and competence of EU and EEA legal institutions, the legislative process in the EU and the rules for new legal acts in EEA law, as well as the importance of the EEA rules in Norwegian law.

However, EU and EEA law in practice goes deeper into these areas and broadens the perspective by focusing on identifying and solving practical EU and EEA legal issues that particularly apply in and for the business sector.


Course content
  • The different types of EU and EEA legal norms and their importance for Norwegian circumstances
  • Central features of the material content of the four freedoms (scope of application, the concept of restriction and justification of restrictions)
  • EU and EEA legal competition law based on TEUV Art. 101 and 102/EEA Art. 53 and 54
  • EU and EEA legal argumentation (method) in practice
  • Which online search tools and websites are of particular importance for solving relevant legal issues connected to EU/EEA law

With central literature on selected EU and EEA legal topics as a backdrop, the teaching will draw attention to specific example studies from administrative and judicial practice. Close studies of such examples will

  • illustrate different types of EU and EEA legal norms and their different roles of importance to Norwegian actors,
  • explain the content of key substantive legal rules, provide additional skills in patterned EU and EEA legal arguments,
  • communicate real-world information about what legal mechanisms can be used to make EU and EEA legal positions applicable to both national administration and national courts as well as the EU and national courts and the EEA law enforcement agencies.

Through this, the students will acquire core competence to identify and solve EU and EEA legal issues that particularly apply in and for business.

Software tools
No specified computer-based tools are required.

Bachelorgrad som kvalifiserer til opptak til studiet. I tillegg kan kurs i andre, tredje og/eller fjerde semester ha egne forkunnskapskrav og gå ut ifra at studenter har fulgt normal studieplan. For studenter på utveksling eller i gradssamarbeid vil tilsvarende kurs bli godkjent.

Total weight: 
Sum workload: 

A course of 1 ECTS credit corresponds to a workload of 26-30 hours. Therefore a course of 6 ECTS credits corresponds to a workload of at least 160 hours.

Reading list