SLM 8002 Sustainability and Shared Value Creation

SLM 8002 Sustainability and Shared Value Creation

Course code: 
SLM 8002
Law and Governance
Course coordinator: 
Caroline Dale Ditlev-Simonsen
Lars Huemer
Course name in Norwegian: 
Bærekraft og felles verdiskapning
Product category: 
Executive - Short Learning Modules
2024 Spring
Active status: 
Level of study: 
Teaching language: 
Course type: 
One semester

At the heart of UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for action by all countries - developed and developing - in a global partnership. This course will follow up Course 1 Bærekraft basic, focusing explicitly on goal 17, partnerships. We will transfer the idea of partnerships to an organizational level and focus on how firms and other entities create value-together. This is the domain of cooperative strategy where the idea is to ‘become better with others’, rather than trying to ‘be better than others’. We will work with frameworks and tools that acknowledge the interdependencies that organizations need work with in a systematic way to be able to co-create value. Goal 17 is, an many ways, a meta-goal, or a means to an end, in the sense that the quality of partnerships, on different levels of analysis, have a significant impact on many other goals. 

Learning outcomes - Knowledge

The candidate ....

  • has basic knowledge of strategy.
  • has basic knowledge of value creation.
  • has basic knowledge of the interplay between strategy, value creation and sustainability
Learning outcomes - Skills

The candidate ...

  • can use the classic resource analysis
  • can use the interactive resource analysis
General Competence

The candidate ....

  • has a basic understanding of the interplay between strategy and value creation at business and network level
  • has a basic understanding of how collaboration can contribute to the fulfillment of the sustainability goals.
Course content

Første modul: Strategi, verdiskaping og bærekraft (forelesing)

  • Strategi = verdiskaping gjennom konkurranse eller samarbeid?
  • Perspektiv på verdiskaping og ressursanalyser
  • Klassisk ressursanalyse (fokus på konkurranse)
  • En introduksjon til interaktiv ressursanalyse


Arbeid med ressursanalyse av felles case mellom modul 1 og 2.


Andre modul: Fordypning av den interaktive ressursanalysen.

  • Samspill mellom egen virksomhet og andre organisasjoner
  • Presentasjon og diskusjon av felles caseanalyse


Arbeid med ressursanalyse av egen virksomhet og dets relevante nettverk mellom modul 2 og 3.


Tredje modul: Interaktiv ressursanalyse i praksis

  • Presentasjon og diskusjon av ressursanalyse på egen virksomhet/nettverk
  • Summering: Konkurransestrategi, samarbeidsstrategi og bærekraft.


Teaching and learning activities

Lectures, class discussions, case analyses

Teaching and learning activities

Lectures, class discussions, case analyses

Reading list  for the course BIK 3134 Bærekraft i daglig drift, is to be found here. See also the reading plan in the learning portal and additional information.


In all BI Executive courses and programs, there is a mutual requirement  for the student and the course responsible regarding the involvement of the student's experience in the planning and implementation of courses, modules and programmes. This means that the student has the right and duty to get involved with their own knowledge and practice relevance, through the active sharing of their relevant experience and knowledge.

Software tools
No specified computer-based tools are required.
Additional information

The course is part of the SLM course series, Sustainability in Daily Operation, which consists of the SLM courses SLM 8001 Sustainability Basics, SLM 8002 Sustainability and Shared Value Creation, and SLM 8003 Circular Economy and New Opportunities. The courses are based on the course BIK 3134 Sustainability In daily operation, 7.5 ECTS. If you have completed three courses from the same SLM course series, and meet the admission requirements for taking the exam at BI, you can take an exam within that course series, which gives a total of 7.5 credits.

Type of Assessment: 
Total weight: 
Sum workload: 

Text for 0 credits

Reading list