PRK 3514 Integrated Market Communication
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APPLIES TO ACADEMIC YEAR 2015/2016 Norwegian version |
PRK 3514 Integrated Market Communication
Responsible for the course
Gerhard E Schjelderup
Department of Communication and Culture
According to study plan
ECTS Credits
Language of instruction
Marketing Communication as a discipline exists to implement strategies from Marketing, which in turn are made to realise the organizations strategies. In the course Integrated Marketing Communication, the students will aquire basic knowledge about theory and models to hone skills related to successful planning of strategic effectuation of Market Communication. The student is in addition expected to have knowledge about measuring effects and how persuasive efforts are to be planned.
Learning outcome
Acquired knowledge:
On completion of the course, the student shall have acquired knowledge enabling him/her to discuss and explain constructs, models and important tools that are used by a company or agency in their work on integrated marketing communication. This implies knowledge within the following key areas:
- Have detailed knowledge about the planning process, the target group(s), characteristics of the product/service category, positioning of the brand in the consumers' minds, choice of message and design, and choice of suitable communication channels for successful integrated marketing communication
- Have top competence in the field of communication and how it can be made use of in marketing communication.
- Understand which psychological factors drive consumer perception, including knowledge about how the brain is made up, and how different stimuli created by the message are processed.
- Know which measures derived from the type of communication objectives the company has with respect to the target group(s) are needed, including the ability to distinguish between objectives related to awareness, knowledge, attitude, intention and behaviour.
- Knowledge of and the ability to compare different methods to measure and assess the effect(s) of communication efforts in relation to the goals of that communication.
Acquired skills:
On completion of the course, the student shall be able to apply acquired knowledge when designing campaigns based on an integrated marketing communication plan. This implies abilities related to:
- The collection and analysis of relevant information enabling the student to develop a credible and feasible marketing communication plan, including the ability to demonstrate practical skills related to:
- Analysis and choice of target group(s),
- Choice of target groups based on different approaches to segmentation.
- Development of customer profiles within these target groups
- Category skills:
- Understand the drivers of behaviour in different categories, where for example differences in dynamics between low and high involvement categories are essential knowledge.
- Development of communication principles for message choices and how they should be presented to the target groups.
- Communication channels:
- Choice of suitable integrated solutions based on a cost/benefit evaluation
- Methods for assessment of effects:
- Be able to design a measurement instrument to investigate and document effects of communication efforts
Developed reflection
On completion of the course, the student shall have developed a high standard of reflection regarding relations between means and ends in marketing communication. The student should also acknowledge that ethical and moral awareness in marketing communication gives the company long-term benefits.
The course demands no prerequisite knowledge, but the student will have an advantage having knowledge from Marketing Management, and Consumer Behavior
Compulsory reading
Percy, Larry, Richard Rosenbaum-Elliott. 2012. Strategic advertising management. 4th ed. Oxford University Press. 424 s
Recommended reading
Kreativt Forum. Årlig. Stella : prisen for effektiv kommunikasjon. Kreativt Forum. Stellaprisen gis for effektiv markedskommunikasjon og boken er en sammenstilling av vinnercasene og en viktig kilde for studenter. Denne boken kan lastes ned gratis.
Course outline
Overview of different marketing communication tools, therein different type of advertising and how a one in a successful manner can combine these tools to create effective integrated marketing communication
How Integrated Integrated Marketing Communications works
Choice of target groups
- The target group's decision process
- Positioning
- Development of a communication strategy
- Development of a media strategy and choice of channel
- Message processing
- Creative tactics
- Creative solutions
Methods and techniques for assessment of effects
Computer-based tools
It is expected that the student kan use GallupPC and MMI's databases
Learning process and workload
The learning outcomes are to be reached through a combination of lectures, and work in small groups on mandatory assignments The assignment write-ups will form the basis for subsequent discussions in class. Feedback on assignment-write-ups is given during classes.
Recommended workload in hours:
Activity | Use of hours |
Participation in lectures | 36 |
Preparation for lectures | 60 |
Work on assignments and other group work | 24 |
Term paper | 80 |
Total recommended use of time | 200 |
Coursework requirements
The course has three work requirements, the student must obtain approval 2 of 3 in order to be allowed to complete the examination.
Coursework 1 and 2
Written work that can be completed individually or in groups of up to 3 people. Distributed at the start of the semester. - Coursework 3
Individual oral presentation to be videotaped by the student and uploaded to Itslearning.
All three work requirements must be uploaded to the learning platform Itslearning.
Coursework requirements
This course have three coursework requirements, where the student must complete 2 out of 3 to be allowed to complete the exam. See section Learning process and workload.
Term paper given out by the start of the semester, and accounts for 100 % of the grade, to be solved individually or in groups of maximum 3 students.
Examination code(s)
PRK 35141 - Term paper accounts for 100 % of the final grade in PRK 3514 Integrated Market Communication, 7,5 credits.
Examination support materials
All support materials
Re-sit examination
A re-sit examination is held every semester.
Students who do not get approved work requirement of the course will not be allowed to take the exam. Consequently, they must take the course over again. Students who have not passed the exam or who want to improve their grade, may attend re-sit examination at next semester, without having to do the coursework requirements.
Additional information