ORG 3641 Management and organizational communication
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ORG 3641 Management and organizational communication
Responsible for the course
Peggy S Brønn
According to study plan
ECTS Credits
Language of instruction
Norwegian and english
Organizational communication as a field is the consideration, analysis, and criticism of the role of communication in organizational contexts. It assumes that organizations are fundamentally communicative creations. This is because organizations are “social units of people, systematically structured and managed to meet a need or to pursue collective goals on a continuing basis”. The great Chester Bernard recognized communication as an organizational discipline when he stated in 1938 that “Structure, extensiveness, and scope of the organization are almost entirely determined by communication techniques”. This is why the course covers such topics as organizational networks, systems, conflict, negotiation, superior-subordinate interaction, and other aspects of organizational life.
Learning outcome
After completing an organizational communication course, students should have a basic understanding of the scope of communication in contemporary organizations and the communication roles of leadership. This includes an understanding of:
- the nature of organizations
- the nature of communicative processes in organizations;
- how organizational structure and culture contributes to communication
- critical organizational issues that are important to organizational functioning and which are dependent upon communication
- the connection between leadership, strategy and communication
After completed course students shall be able to:
- Understand and explain the major theories and perspectives used to examine organizational communication.
- Recognize communication issues in organizations and organizational communication concepts, models, and theories used to resolve such issues.
- Demonstrate knowledge of communication models necessary for effective performance in different organizational contexts
Students will develop an appreciation of the need to understand the meanings and feelings of oneself and others in the organization and a sense of organizational as well as interpersonal ethics.
Compulsory reading
Brønn, P. S. og J. K. Arnulf, red. 2013. Kommunikasjon for ledere og organisasjoner. Fagbokforlaget
Recommended reading
Pjetursson, Leif. 2011. Når ledelse er kommunikation : en medreflekterende bog om lederens kommunikative kompetencer. 2. utg. L&R Business
Shockley-Zalabak, Pamela. 2012. Fundamentals of organizational communication : knowledge, sensitivity, skills, values. 8th ed, International ed. Pearson Education. 978-0-205-08279-7
Smythe, John. 2007. The CEO : the chief engagement officer : turning hierarchy upside down to drive performance. Gower
Course outline
Organizations and communication
- Communication Foundations
- Communication and Organizations
- Organizational theory and Communication
Management theory and Communication
- Leadership and Management Communication
- Leadership, Leading and Communication
- Using Language to Create Meaning
- Communication that Promotes Learning
Communication Contexts
- Interpersonal
- Group
- Conflict
- Intercultural
- Crisis and Crisis Communication
Special Topics
- Technology and Organizational Communication
- Change Communication
- Ethics and Communication
- The Communicative Organization
Computer-based tools
No specified computer-based tools are required.
Learning process and workload
This course consists of 33 hours of lectures.
In the lectures, the focus will be on key concepts and terms. I addition there will be arranged student presentations, discussions, exercises, activities, etc. Guidance will be given in connection with the project paper.
Coursework Requirements
During the course, students must present their work on the project paper.
Activity | Use of hours |
Lectures | 33 |
Preparations for lectures | 33 |
Term paper | 54 |
Homework and reading syllabus | 45 |
Preparations for exam | 35 |
Anbefalt tidsbruk totalt | 200 |
Coursework requirements
In order to be allowed to hand in the final project paper students must have made a presentation of their work, or a subject assigned to them from the readings.
Following evalutions concludes the course:
- Project paper - counts 80% of final grade
The paper is handed out in the beginning of the term and must be solved individually or in groups of up to three students.
- One (1) hours individual multiple choice control examiniation - counts 20% of the final grade.
Both evaluations must be passed in order to obtain final grade.
Examination code(s)
ORG 36411 - Project paper, counts 80% to obtain final grade in ORG 3641 Management and organizational communication, 7,5 credits.
ORG 36412 - Multiple choice examiniation, coutns 20% to obtain final grade in ORG 3641 Management and organizational communication, 7,5 credits.
Examination support materials
All support materials allowed.
Re-sit examination
Re-sit examination in project paper and mulitple choice will be offered at the next scheduled course.
Students that have not passed the coursework requirements will have to retake the entire course.
Students that have not passed the project paper or the multiple choice examination or who wish to improve their grade must re-take the examination in connection with the next scheduled examination.
Additional information