ORG 2000 Leadership in Action - Final Bachelor Program in Leadership
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ORG 2000 Leadership in Action - Final Bachelor Program in Leadership
Responsible for the course
Birgit H Jevnaker
Department of Innovation and Economic Organisation
According to study plan
ECTS Credits
Language of instruction
Leadership in Action is a final Bachelor in Leadership programme, a mandatory 30 credits programme leading to the award of the title Bachelor of Management.
The target group of the Bachelor of Management education is primarily adult students who have completed courses/modules at BI Norwegian Business School and/or other colleges of higher education or universities, but without having completed a degree course. This course offers the target groups the opportunity to complete a degree at BI Norwegian Business School.
Learning outcome
The aim of the programme is to provide a final, Bachelor level course based on reflection within the areas of management and organisation.
The programme is both process-based and knowledge-based and adapted to suit the learning situations of adult students and those already in employment. BI’s Leadership in Action therefore offers a combination of:
-collaborative learning and stimulating meetings with participants in employment with experiences from many fields
- a choice of options and tailormaking of some of the course literature, as well as individual learning assignments
- a project paper which will mesh with the interests of the individual and his/her business
- a foundation in an appropriate knowledge framework and personal guidance for further learning
- use of action learning and active reflection in order to stimulate a deeper level of awareness with respect to various aspects of leadership and organisation.
The programme views leadership as an opportunity to release human potential and reflection. The programme is therefore to be an arena for dialogue, reflection, learning and action (cf. the title Leadership in Action or LiA). The experiences, challenges and issues of the participants themselves form the basis of the programme – these will be "confronted" with new forms of leadership, relevant theories and methods with respect to practical new thinking and reflection. By working in project groups and in groups working on other assignments, as well as individually, participants will work on solutions and shed light on relevant problems from their own organisation or other organisations. The learning outcomes depend on active participation and participants taking responsibility for their own learning while interacting with others.
The programme also aims to promote multiple perspectives on leadership. Leadership and organisation are complex subjects and areas of practice in which one can never become a complete expert. There are no easy solutions. The programme will therefore particularly emphasize the following:
- development of integrated learning and stimulating participants’ awareness of competent leadership
- encouraging the development of a constructive and reflective attitude towards concrete, contemporary and future-oriented issues in the fields of leadership, organization, renewal and strategic development;
- development of knowledge, creativity and integrity with respect to leadership in action.
The term integrity is related to what participants already know, in addition to creating suitable opportunities for further learning in an ethical manner. The target group is primarily adults with management experience who wish to develop their leadership skills and qualify themselves for new responsibilities. It also includes employees who have been in an organisation for some time and whose ambition it is to take on the challenge of becoming a leader and/or co-creator.
Through the programme the students are thus to acquire the following knowledge, skills and attitudes:
- Learning goal 1: Show insight and awareness related to competent leadership;
- Learning goal 2: A constructive and thoughtful attitude; an ability to raise questions related to leadership, organization and development;
- Learning goal 3: Be familiar with and develop knowledge, creativity and integrity related to leadership in action;
- Learning goal 4: Contribute to innovation within management and organization;
- Learning goal 5: Show an understanding of one’s own contribution to leadership and that of others.
Admission requirement: A minimum of 90 credits from college and/or university level courses. In addition, participants must be at least 25 years old and have 4 years of employment experience in order to be considered for admission.
In order to be awarded the title Bachelor of Management, participants must have 180 credits (completed and passed courses) approved by BI, as shown in the study model for the Bachelor of Management.
Compulsory reading
Coghlan, David and Teresa Brannick. 2010. Doing action research in your own organization. 3rd ed. Sage Publications. (Innføring i egen aksjonsforskning og aksjonslæring. Kan også brukes som metodebok for prosjektoppgaver ut fra forsøk og erfaringer i egen eller andres organisasjon. Studer spesielt gode figurer.)
Farstad, Per og Birgit Helene Jevnaker. 2010. Design i praksis: designledelse og innovasjon. Universitetsforlaget. s. 7-36 og 122-124 (ev. deles ut). (Innovasjonsledelse og designtenkning er nye muligheter for ledelse. Utdragene brukes som eksempel på de nye ledelsesutfordringene i 21. årh. Kan brukes som inspirasjon for å designe egen ledelsesaktivitet og fornyelsesarbeid).
Ibsen, Henrik. 2005 (Altern. utg kan brukes). Bygmester Solness. Gyldendal. (OBS Alle leser dette skuespillet; obligatorisk som felles utgangspkt. for dialog om ledelse innen nye fagprofesjoner, selvledelse, etikk i arbeidsrelasjoner mv.)
Klev, Roger, Morten Levin. 2009. Forandring som praksis : endringsledelse gjennom læring og utvikling. 2. utg. Fagbokforlaget. (Denne boken gir faglig fundament for ledelse av endring, medvirkning og utviklingsprosesser, ut fra samskapt læringsmodell mv.).
Krogh, Georg von, Kazuo Ichijo, Ikujiro Nonaka. 2001. Slik skapes kunnskap : hvordan frigjøre taus kunnskap og inspirere til nytenkning i organisasjoner. NKS Forlaget. Hele boken unntatt kap. 10. (Boken er forankret i nye forståelser av ledelse og strategi i praksis, den omhandler hvordan legge til rette for kunnskap og nytenkning. Foretrekker man å lese engelsk, finnes eng. utg.)
Moxnes, Paul. 2007. Fasett-mennesket : personlighet og rolle : et lederopplæringsperspektiv. Forl. Paul Moxnes. (Om personlighet, rolle, og atferd, hvordan få det menneskelige i organisasjoner til å fungere. En bred og dyp fremstilling av psykologiske tema).
Sewerin, Thomas. 2012. En plass i stolen : en arbeidsbok for grupper om grupper. 2. uppl. Tertulia books. (Sewerins bok finnes også på engelsk i en utvidet versjon som inkl. coaching. Denne står under anbefalt).
Alvesson, Mats. 2011. Hvordan motivere individer. Personalkonsepter, organisasjonsidentitet og drivkrefter. Magma. 03. Fagbokforlaget i samarbeid med ECONA. 33-40. (Artikkelen drøfter kritisk hvordan mennesker motiveres i en organisasjon og hvordan hver bedrift kan forme forestillinger om dette.)
Samling artikler til økt innsikt om viktige konstruktive ledelses- og samspillferdigheter (Lokal faglærer plukker ut minst 2 vitenskapelige artikler eller kapittelutdrag i starten av kurset, fra f.eks. forskning om kreativ ledelse, aksjonslæring, samspill og kompleksitet, innovasjon).
Samling strategiartikler (min. 3 artikler plukkes ut av faglærer i starten av kurset)
- Utdelt materiale er obligatorisk.
Recommended reading
Amundsen, Oscar og Trond Kongsvik. 2008. Endringskynisme. Gyldendal akademisk
Arnulf, Jan Ketil. 2012. Hva er ledelse. Universitetsforlaget
Askheim, Ola Gaute Aas og Tor Grenness. 2008. Kvalitative metoder for markedsføring og organisasjonsfag. Universitetsforlaget
Bolman, Lee G. og Terrence E. Deal. 2009. Nytt perspektiv på organisasjon og ledelse: strukturer, sosiale relasjoner, politikk og symboler. 4. utg. Gyldendal akademisk. (Oversatt klassisk innføringsbok ut fra 4 perspektiver på organisasjoner. Henvises aktivt til i noen klasser, spør lokal faglærer om bruken.)
Brøgger, Benedicte, red. 2007. Å tjene på samarbeid : medvirkning, partssamarbeid, bedriftsutvikling. Gyldendal akademisk. (Om å bruke de forskjellige formene for samarbeid som har utviklet seg i norsk arbeidsliv).
Ekman, Gunnar. 2004. Fra prat til resultat : om lederskap i hverdagen. Abstrakt forlag
Fineman, Stephen, Yiannis Gabriel & David Sims. 2010. Organizing & organizations. 4th ed. Sage. (Lett å lese, gir nye perspektiver på organisering og organisasjoner).
Forsth, Leif-Runar. 2004. Praktisk nytenkning : systematisk og kreativ problemløsning. Aquarius forlag. (Innføring i kreative metoder)
Haaland, Frode H. og Frode Dale. 2005. På randen av ledelse : en veiviser i førstegangsledelse. Gyldendal akademisk
Jackson, Brad and Parry, Ken. 2011. A very short, fairly interesting and reasonably cheap book about studying leadership. 2nd ed. Sage
Johannessen, Jon-Arild og Bjørn Olsen. 2008. Positivt lederskap : jakten på de positive kreftene. Fagbokforlaget. (Nyttig bok å konsultere for å finne litteratur og fagperspektiver for egne oppgaver. Har konstruktivt siktemål for ledelse.)
Johannessen, Stig O. 2011. Myter og erfaringer om ledelse : et kompleksitetsperspektiv. Gyldendal akademisk. (Tar utgangspunkt i kompleksitetstenkning og kritisk ledelsesteori.)
Kaufmann, Geir og Astrid Kaufmann. 2009. Psykologi i organisasjon og ledelse. 4 utg. Fagbokforlaget. Del II, og videre kap. 8, 10, 12.. (Denne boken er en solid innføringsbok. Anbefalt også som oppslagsbok).
Kvalnes, Øyvind. 2012. Etikk og samfunnsansvar. Universitetsforlaget
Løwendahl, Bente R. og Fred E. Wenstøp. 2010. Grunnbok i strategi. 3. utg. Cappelen akademisk. (Anbefalt. Sjekk med faglærer hvilken strategibok klassen kommer til å bruke mest.)
Martinsen, Øyvind L., red. 2009. Perspektiver på ledelse. 3. utg. Gyldendal akademisk. (Denne boken lar leseren bli kjent med sentrale perspektiver og diskusjoner om ledelse internasjonalt, se f.eks. bidrag fra Mintzberg og Yukl).
McNiff, Jean & Jack Whitehead. 2011. All you need to know about action research. 2nd ed. Sage. (Anbefalt om fokus er aksjonsforskning om hvordan endre eget arbeid, lett å lese).
Roos, Göran, Georg von Krogh og Johan Roos; med Lisa Fernström. 2010. Strategi : en innføring. 5. utg. Fagbokforlaget. (Faglig innføringsbok på norsk i forskjellige måter å forstå strategi. Sterkt anbefalt å lese en innføringsbok i strategi, spesielt om du ikke har studert dette faget tidligere. Du kan også lese Løwendahl og Wenstøp mfl sin grunnbok i strategi, se ref.).
Selvik, Arne. 2005. Omgitt av løgnere : om ærlige tilbakemeldinger til ledere. Fagbokforlaget. (Stimulerende om behovet for og kilder til korrektiver i ledelse.)
Sewerin, Thomas. 2009. Teams, leadership and coaching. Tertulia Books. (Stimulerende om ledelse, team og coaching. Har ekstra stoff, og en del overlapp m/Sewerins bok "En plass i stolen").
Strand, Torodd. 2007. Ledelse, organisasjon og kultur. 2. utg. Fagbokforlaget. (En meget omfattende, solid framstilling av ledelsesproblematikk, noe av det beste på norsk. Nyttig også som oppslagsbok).
Sørhaug, Tian. 1996. Om ledelse : makt og tillit i moderne organisering. Universitetsforlaget. (f.eks. kap. 2)
Yukl, Gary A. 2013. Leadership in organizations. 8th ed. Pearson Education. (Meget god bok for oversikt over klassisk ledelsesforskning internasjonalt).
Christensen, Sverre A. og Harald Rinde. 2009. "Ned som en skinnfell, opp som...?" (Konklusjonskapittel). I: Nasjonale utlendinger : ABB i Norge 1880-2010. Gyldendal akademisk. s. 369 - 400. (Utdrag av ny nærings- og bedriftshistorisk bok om ABB, se spesielt avsnittene "Sjefer som kommer, og sjefer som går", og "Livsfarlig ledelse".)
Jevnaker, Birgit H. 2000. Dynamikk mellom innovasjon og design i bedrifter. Magma. Innblikk i hvordan ledere kan samarbeide og utvikle ny strategisk kompetanse i bedriftens fornyelse, design og innovasjonsprosesser (ev. utdeles).
Anbefalt litteratur: alle forslag til anbefalt litteratur er ment som inspirasjon og forslag for ulike behov og til å søke videre selv. For ytterligere tips til egen synopsis oppgaveskriving, spør faglærer og BI bibliotek. Obs: Faglærer skal godkjenne egen valgt pensumdel som kommer i tillegg til oppført obl. litteratur i kurset.
BI Nettstudier/Nomme, Roald mfl. 2009. Leadership in Action studieguide. (En veiledning for nettstudier, nyttig for flere. Anbefalt). Siste utg (sanns digital). Oslo : BI nettstudier
Ibsen, Henrik. 2006. En folkefiende. Alt. utg. kan brukes. (Egner seg for dialog om varsling og etikk).
Course outline
Leadership in Action, a final Bachelor of Leadership Programme, consists of the following five modules/thematic units:
1. Leadership in perspective
2 .Strategic Management and organisation
3 .Personal and competent leadership
4. Interaction and leadership in networks
5. Leadership in Action
The order of thematic units 2-4 may be altered to suit local needs. Any such alterations will be made known to participants well in advance. The programme will also be flexibly implemented and relevant issues may be raised across modules in order to facilitate integrated learning, as well as to meet needs arising during the course of the programme.
The literature encompasses approx. 2250 pages in total, including both mandatory literature and literature selected by individual participants according to the topics they have selected and in consultation with course instructors. Course handouts are part of the mandatory literature. Students are expected to read all the mandatory literature, but not all works listed under recommended literature.
* Much of what is listed under “recommended literature” is meant as a list of ideas to inspire participants in their search for literature of particular relevance to their selected topics.
Changes may be made in the literature. Information regarding mandatory literature is normally available well in advance of the course. (If you have any queries, please contact your local course instructor.)
A description of each module is to be found in the additional information section below. Local course instructors will provide details on each module, including advice on literature, at the beginning of the course and prior to each session.
Computer-based tools
Learning process and workload
The course structure is based on the principles of proximity and distance. The programme runs over two semesters and is organised into five modules (usually five sessions), in addition to the participants’ own individual studies. (Sessions may be arranged flexibly in consultation with the national Programme Officer and total a maximum of normally 15 days). The option of considering locating one of the sessions (e.g. the final one) elsewhere (in Norway or abroad) is usually considered – in order to promote interaction, learning by experience and international competence, based on a coordinated knowledge-based and action learning study programme.
In order to provide best possible integrated learning in theory/practice, the programme is based on active participation by students and entails regular attendance and a sharing of responsibility by participants for their own learning. Mandatory requirements for the award of a course certificate are participation at a minimum of 75% of the sessions in addition to a completed and passed examination (30 credits). Normally participation in all modules is a prerequisite for a pass grade in the course examination.
The Programme “Leadership in Action” will be related to the students’ own experiences. Participants are therefore required to bring along issues from their own everyday experiences as employees/leaders. In the course of the programme these issues will be subjected to a process consisting of meaningful exchanges of experience, action and reflection tasks and project work leading to action plans.
There will be lectures by course leaders and invited guest speakers. At the individual sessions, participants will be working on a variety of mini-projects, cases and team training.
Within a give framework, individual participants are to develop their own syllabus and be examined on this syllabus. In this course description there is therefore a relatively comprehensive list of recommended reading. The function of many of these books is to be an inspiration for individual literature searches and syllabus adaptation. Overall, the literature selected by participants must satisfy the bachelor degree level requirements of the course. (The course instructor will therefore give advice and an evaluation of the literature suggested by participants.)
ICT (Information and Communication Technology) is to be used actively by all participants, and participation in online activities is compulsory. An introduction to the use of relevant computer programmes will be given at the beginning of the course. Discussion groups and email are the basis for continuous dialogue between students and supervisors and between students themselves.
BI Online Studies
The teaching platform itslearning is normally used for BI Online Studies, in addition to seminars. Online tutors will publish material, practice tasks (including assignments to be submitted and feedback on these) as well as any case studies or other digital learning resources on Apollon. Students are given the opportunity to communicate with their online tutor and fellow students.
The course concludes with an individual oral synopsis examination and a project paper (1-3 participants). The evaluations are an integrated part of the learning process. Both examinations must be completed and passed (See requirements under Evaluation Codes).
(1) Synopsis examination:
Participants are to write an individual synopsis paper (a theory and reflection report) of 3-5 pages excluding references and attachments, based on the relevant literature (minimum 700 pages) selected by individual participants for their chosen topic in consultation with and approved by the course instructor. (The principle part of the literature referred to must be from the individually selected syllabus, although compulsory literature should naturally also be referred to where relevant). All individually selected literature and the relevant obligatory syllabus are to be referred to in the body of the text, as well as in a complete list of references which is to be attached. (See BI rules on writing citations and references.)
The synopsis paper is to be delivered in advance and also be brought to the oral examination (without additional notes/ comments. Candidates are not permitted to consult any other literature during the oral examination.) This individual work is a precondition for and the basis of the oral synopsis examination. Candidates may also be invited to discuss topics from the obligatory syllabus during the oral examination.
The criteria underlying the overall evaluation are as follows:
1) Demonstrated ability to find fruitful and relevant perspectives and present knowledge with respect to the formulation of a limited topic or issue in focus. 2) Demonstrated ability to discuss and summarise using a variety of perspectives and an actively reflective and independent, and if possible creative relationship to knowledge, sources and the topic selected. 3) Demonstrated competence and maturity in approaching interactions in a constructive and ethical manner with respect to dilemmas in leadership and organisation and the challenges focused upon. Grades will be awarded on the basis of the oral synopsis examination, including the written synopsis and reflection on literature selected (one grade awarded only).
(2) Project paper
Project work is to be carried out in groups of up to 3 people and based on the issues participants have brought along and which are to be evaluated in the form of a project paper. The paper is to be based on the participants’ own empirical material (see instructions and evaluation criteria in the text on project papers.)
Examination code(s)
ORG 20001 Leadership in Action - Oral synopsis examination counting 40 % towards an approved grade in ORG 2000, 30 ECTS credits.
ORG 20002 Leadership in Action - termpaper counting 60% towards an approved grade in ORG 2000, 30 ECTS credits.
Both examinations must be completed and passed with an overall grade of E or better in order to achieve an approved grade on course ORG 2000, 30 ECTS credits. See descriptions above regarding evaluation.
Examination support materials
Only the individual written report (synopsis text without additional comments) is permitted in the oral examination and this will be the basis of the oral evaluation.
Re-sit examination
Makeup examinations take place in conjunction with the next scheduled examination.
Additional information
At the end of the first session, participants are to have acquired an introductory overview and understanding of the challenges and approaches to leadership and organisation in the current organisational climate. Leadership is put into perspective to promote further learning. This includes both perspectives on how to create knowledge and an introduction to the use of the action, reflection and learning methods in the programme.
Main topics
* Introduction and overview of Leadership in Action, final Bachelor Programme in Leadership
* Who are we, where do we come from and where are we going? Presentation of participants and course leaders; current positions and developmental aims
* New perspectives and relevant specialist baggage for a journey into organisations of the future
* How to shape and exploit the programme through creative approaches and project work
* Motivation and good interaction for leadership – subject-based and social events in the programme
* Introduction to ICT (Information and Communication Technology) to be used in the programme
* Utilisation of potential learning resources: more creative ways of working
* Learning about leadership in action: inspiration, subject plans, tools for learning and collaboration
* Integrating perspectives: Learning from living experiences and future prospects: guest speakers with topical challenges
At the end of the second session participants are to have gained insight into how strategic knowledge resources may be organised to meet new challenges and trends. Participants should thus be able to draw connections between current positions and future value-adding situations.
Main topics
* Overview and main ideas in strategic leadership
* Strategy as competence in action – renewal or more of the same?
* Various images of strategy – e.g. as mental processes, discovery and creation of meaning
* Strategic intentions, interventions and pitfalls
* Strategy and creativity – visions/leading images, rhetoric and conceptual thinking
*From vision to practice: constructive organisation for strategic renewal
* Integrating perspectives: from strategic analysis to an ability to extend knowledge resources strategically
At the end of the third session participants are to have an understanding of and practice in significant aspects of “good leadership” with respect to both individual and professional leadership. A further objective is to highlight and reflect on potentially negative aspects of leadership and how one can turn situations around, leading to positive achievements (see also Module 4).
In conjunction with this module, or at an agreed time shortly afterwards, participants will give a brief overview of their individually selected literature (approx. 700 pages). The list of relevant, individually selected references (which is in addition to the obligatory programme syllabus below, as well as any previous related courses) is to be shown/submitted to the course instructor. This can be used to highlight issues in participants’ own learning (cf. further work on synopsis and project paper etc).
Main topics
* Overview and main concepts in an individual’s leadership
* Between personal and professional leadership (leading others, leading oneself)
* Different leadership traditions: from specialist experts versus generic leadership traditions to leadership in multicultural, knowledge-intensive and potentially creative environments
* Misdirected or unproductive leadership energy (insight through fiction and participants’ own experiences)
* Constructive leadership skills in theory and in practice (exercises and cases)
* Integrating perspectives: personal leadership in context
At the end of the fourth session participants are to have an overview of critical success factors in leadership of knowledge-based organisations. Participants will thus have focused on the need for constructive interplay with other competencies in order to get the best out of fellow workers, clients and collaborators.
A further, concrete objective will be an introduction to creative collaboration in joint problem-solving or brainstorming, using design and creative methods as components of renewal or innovation tasks. (The latter may also take place in other modules, where appropriate).
Main topics
* Overview and main concepts in relation-oreinted and network-oriented leadership
* Why is relation-oriented and network-oriented leadership important now and what does it entail?
* Tracing relation and network-related leadership traditions
* Unproductive energy and processes in leadership within relations/network: examples and exercises
* Constructive relation and network development
* Creative strategic alliances. Case or exercise: interacting on idea development, design and interdisciplinary development teams
* Integrating perspectives: leadership within the individual and the organisation with respect to relations and networks
At the end of the fifth session participants are to have acquired an overview summarising what is understood by active and reflecting leadership for current and future organisations and how hidden talents and competence may be mobilised to achieve the desired results. An additional objective is to reflect on a) what participants have learned and b) how this may be used constructively in the future.
Main topics
* Overview and main concepts of leadership in action: action, reflection, learning
* Integrating perspectives: from action to interaction – what now?
* Do we need more unconventional strategic leaders – how and why
Exercises: For example with respect to personal objectives
* For inspiration: field trip/visits to new places and impulses from other organisations and fellow students – how to create collaboration and creative environments
* Reflection: What have we learned? What do we need to do additional work on? How to continue?
* Presentations of individual or group plans for implementation and further learning after the course