MAN 5133 National Management training for pre-school administrators

MAN 5133 National Management training for pre-school administrators

Course code: 
MAN 5133
Communication and Culture
Course coordinator: 
Ratib Lekhal
Course name in Norwegian: 
Nasjonal lederutdanning for styrere i barnehager
Product category: 
EMM - Educational Leadership, Specialisation
2019 Autumn
Active status: 
Level of study: 
Teaching language: 
Course type: 
Associate course
Course codes for multi- or associated courses.
MAN 5134 - første semester
MAN 5135 - andre semester
MAN 5136 - tredje semester

This program is BI Norwegian Business School’s offer to administrators in public and private pre-schools who wish to complete their national administrative education. With this program, administrators will be provided salient skills and knowledge with regard to management and development of the organization. The target group includes both established and future administrators in both public and private pre-schools.

This course overlaps to some extent with MAN 3127/3128/3129/3130 Leadership and Change Management in Schools. For students planning to take a Master of Management degree it is important to be aware that overlapping courses cannot be included in the degree, cf. UHL § 3-5.

Learning outcomes - Knowledge

Norwegian pre-schools need to improve and expand their administrative capacity. Through this program, students are given a broad introduction to the most important areas of pre-school administration. This will contribute to:
· Strengthening children’s learning and development
· Developing sector standards for leadership among administrators in pre-schools
· Strengthening the practical and conceptual knowledge necessary for pre-school leaders to improve the quality and results of their activities

Acquired knowledge
The program aims to give students knowledge of institutional organization and pedagogical routines that contribute to enhanced learning and development among the children. Furthermore, the program will provide access to and understanding of scientific methods and perspectives that make it possible for students to assess the knowledge that is being developed in the pre-school sector. This includes management and development of the organization and the stimulation and development of staff, including active leadership. Consequently, the history, traditions and distinctive character of the pre-school sector are of importance.

Learning outcomes - Skills

Students will, as leaders, have the ability to interpret and understand the society’s demands with regard to pre-schools. The program aims at giving students the confidence and courage to lead the pre-school in the direction of an increasingly more advanced, competence-based organization.
Skills in the form of pedagogical, organizational and interpersonal relations will be given focus, in addition to the ability to investigate and assess existing theories, methods and the validity of different frameworks of understanding.

General Competence

Students will be helped to underscore the importance of children’s’ learning and development in discussions concerning the pre-school’s priorities, organization and working conditions. They will be in possession of the competence, confidence and motivation to participate in the debate concerning development of the Norwegian pre-school both internally in an international perspective. Courage and conviction will be needed to meet the challenges of a complex management situation in which professional argumentation must address issues concerning the introduction of changes and adaptations that will lead to a better Norwegian pre-school. This requires the competence and confidence to choose strategies for the development of the individual pre-school, its staff and the children’s learning and development. In addition to competence and self-confidence, students will have a reflective approach to their own identity and integrity and those of other cultures.

Course content

Programmet består av syv samlinger. En samling gjennomføres i London.
Barnehagen som samfunnsinstitusjon

Tidlig innsats
Fokus på læring
Kjennetegn på høy kvalitet
Kommunikasjon og ledelse
Makt og påvirkning
Endring og utvikling av egen praksis
Pedagogisk organisering
Analyse av egen organisasjon
Bygge et godt og motiverende arbeidsmiljø
Barnehagens betydning i et livsperspektiv
Kvalitetssikringssystem og eierstyring
Forholdet mellom barnehage og skole
Ledelse av høykvalitetsbarnehager i praksis

Leders styringsrett og handlingsrom
Innovasjon, utvikling og endring

Strategisk ledelse

Som en del av programmet vil bli gjennomført ledertrening for studentene. Ledertreningen vil være en kombinasjon av introduksjonsforelesninger, øvelser og tilbakemeldinger. Hensikten er å øve studentene til trygghet i krevende ledelsessituasjoner. Temaene som tas opp i dette masterprogrammet er Kommunikasjon og påvirkning, og Ledelse og makt.
I ledertreningen vil det bli arbeidet med studentenes egne ledelsesprofiler både for å vurdere hvordan en selv som leder bruker sine ressurser på en god måte og som grunnlag for å utvikle eget lederskap. Utarbeidelse av individuelle handlingsplaner og hvordan disse kan implementeres i utføringen av eget lederskap står sentralt.

Teaching and learning activities

The program is carried out in seven modules. Personal counseling will be provided in addition to counseling during the lectures. In general, students can expect advisory counseling as opposed to evaluative counseling. Counseling time is estimated to be 2 hours per term paper.

Software tools
No specified computer-based tools are required.
Additional information

Students are assessed through a term paper - 60%, and a take-home exam 72 h, 40%.
The term paper can be written individually or in groups of up to 3 students. Approximately 40 pages plus attachments.
The take-home exam is done individually.
Both forms of assessment must receive a passing grade for the program degree to be awarded.

  • You have a Bachelor’s degree – 180 study points/credits – from a college, university or the equivalent. .
  • You are at least 25 years of age.
  • You have four years of work experience fulltime.  For applicants who have a Master’s degree, the requirement is three years.
Required prerequisite knowledge

General admissions requirements:180 ECTS and 4 years’ working experience. See also admissions requirements

Exam category: 
Form of assessment: 
Written submission
72 Hour(s)
Take-home exam is done individually.
Exam code: 
MAN 51331
Grading scale: 
Examination when next scheduled course
Exam category: 
Form of assessment: 
Written submission
Group/Individual (1 - 3)
2 Semester(s)
The term paper can be written individually or in groups of up to 3 students. 40 pages plus attachments
Exam code: 
MAN 51332
Grading scale: 
Examination when next scheduled course
Type of Assessment: 
Ordinary examination
All exams must be passed to get a grade in this course.
Total weight: 
Course codeCredit reduction
MAN 5148100
MAN 3127/3128/3129/3130100
MAN 3131/3132/3133/3134100
MAN 3151100
MAN 3176100
MAN 5137100
MAN 5140100
Credit reductions:
Course code:MAN 5148
Credit reduction:100
Course code:MAN 3127/3128/3129/3130
Credit reduction:100
Course code:MAN 3131/3132/3133/3134
Credit reduction:100
Course code:MAN 3151
Credit reduction:100
Course code:MAN 3176
Credit reduction:100
Course code:MAN 5137
Credit reduction:100
Course code:MAN 5140
Credit reduction:100
Reduction description

Sperre mot tilsvarende kurs og programmer - 1. året i EMM med spesialisering i skoleledelse.

Sum workload: 

A course of 1 ECTS credit corresponds to a workload of 26-30 hours. Therefore a course of 30 ECTS credit corresponds to a workload of at least 800 hours.

Reading list