MAN 3180/3181/3182/3183 Business Innovation and Management

Norwegian version

MAN 3180/3181/3182/3183 Business Innovation and Management

Responsible for the course
Ragnvald Sannes, Espen Andersen

Department of Strategy

According to study plan

ECTS Credits

Language of instruction
Norwegian and english

Strategic business development and innovation is about seeing new opportunities. This program focuses on the understanding of technology as an enabler of new ways of doing things, be it business models, strategies, products, services or processes. The exploitation of new opportunities is anchored in an understanding of the relationship between opportunities for change, execution of development- and innovation processes, technological evolution, knowledge resources and competencies, and technology and change management. The program is academically based within strategy, leadership, innovation, knowledge management and technology management.

Central to the program is a course project where the participants work with a real developmental or innovative project in their organizations. The project should be based on a real problem, challenge or possibility, and aim for simplification, performance increase or renewal. The work is organized through a systematic learning process where the participants are guided through the various phases of innovation and development. The process will be based on theoretical models and frameworks, and practical tools for analysis and execution.

The program is aimed at anyone with an interest in innovation and business development, seeking an active role in this in their organization. No technology background or knowledge is required. The program is well suited for organizations with problems to solve or ideas to develop in a structured and collaborative context.

The program will have five modules, each lasting 3-4 days, one of them abroad. In addition there will be 2-3 online activities (mostly webinars) between each module. The modules will feature lectures, guest lecturers, case discussions, group and plenary discussions and work with projects.

Learning outcome
The learning outcomes for the program are divided into knowledge goals, skills goals and attitude goals.

Knowledge goals

  • understand models of value creation
  • understand models of innovation
  • understand central aspects of technology evolution
  • understand the concept of technology architectures and their importance as platforms for innovation
  • understand models of technology management and change management
  • understand models of learning and knowledge sharing
  • understand models and principles that further an organization’s innovative capacity

Skills goals
  • be able to analyze business opportunities with technology
  • be able to identify attributes of future technology use
  • be able to describe complex situations using simple graphic depictions
  • be able to develop economic cost/benefit models for technology acquisition
  • be able to describe, develop and present an innovation idea
  • be able to execute an innovation process
  • be able to investigate and evaluate an innovative idea
  • be able to use modern tools for collaboration

Attitude goals
  • have a holistic perspective of technology, innovation and business development
  • have an understanding of the importance of different organizational roles, competencies and toolboxes in business development and innovation

Bachelor degree, corresponding to 180 credits, and 4 years of work experience. Please consult our student regulations.

Compulsory reading
Brynjolfsson, Erik and Andrew McAfee. 2014. The second machine age : work, progress, and prosperity in a time of brilliant technologies. Norton. Hvordan påvirker IT vårt arbeid og vår fremtid. Provoserende og rykende aktuelt.
Christensen, Bo Hjort. 2016. Forretningssystemer : anskaffelse og implementering. Upublisert bokmanus. Nyest utgave distribueres i elektronisk format i løpet av kurset
Christensen, Clayton M., Michael E. Raynor. 2003. The innovator's solution : creating and sustaining successful growth. Harvard Business School Press. Om disruptiv innovasjon og hvordan man skal forholde seg til den.
Dodgson, Mark, David M. Gann & Ammon Salter. 2008. The management of technological innovation : strategy and practice. Completely rev. and updated ed. Oxford University Press. En god innføringsbok i innovasjon og innovasjonsledelse
Sheen, R., Gallo, A.. 2015. HBR Guide to Building Your Business Case. Harvard Business Review Press. Nyttig bok om business base. Brukes i 4. samling. Finnes i paperback samt e-bok med eksempler og modeller i Excel
Van de Ven, Andrew ... [et al.]. 1999. The Innovation journey. Oxford University Press. Kap. 1-7.. En god forskningsbasert beskrivelse av innovasjonsprosesser

Collection of articles:
Artikkelsamling bestående av artikler som distribueres i forbindelse med undervisningen, hovedsaklig i elektronisk format.

Recommended reading
Arthur, W. Brian. 2009. The nature of technology : what it is and how it evolves. Allen Lane. Gjennomtenkt og kunnskapsrikt om hva som driver teknologiutvikling fremover.
Austin, Robert D., Richard L. Nolan & Shannon O'Donnell. 2009. The adventures of an IT leader. Harvard Business Press. “Roman” om en ny (og uvillig) CIO – gir god forståelse av brytningene mellom IT og forretningssiden i en bedrift, og hva IT-ledelse består i.
Barroso, Luiz André. 2013. The datacenter as a computer : an introduction to the design of warehouse- scale machines. 2nd ed. Morgan & Claypool Publishers. Hvordan bygger man egentlig et kjempedatasenter? Interessant for å se hva Google jobber med bak forhenget.
Beniger, James R. 1986. The control revolution : technological and economic origins of the information society. Harvard University Press
Brynjolfsson, Erik and Adam Saunders. 2010. Wired for innovation : how information technology is reshaping the economy. MIT Press. Summerer opp mange års forskning om IT, produktivitet og lønnsomhet. Har bl.a. en svært god diskusjon om sammenhengen mellom organisasjonsutvikling og teknologiutvikling.
Chesbrough, Henry, Wim Vanhaverbeke, and Joel West, eds. 2006. Open innovation : researching a new paradigm. Oxford University Press. Leseverdig bok om åpen innovasjon som kontrast til lukkede innovasjonsprosesser, hva åpen innovasjon er og med eksempler på virksomheter som har fått det til.
Christensen, Clayton M. 2003. The innovator's dilemma : when new technologies cause great firms to fail. Rev. ed. Harvard Business School Press
Dodgson, Mark, David Gann & Ammon Salter. 2005. Think, play, do : technology, innovation, and organization. Oxford University Press
Dyer, Jeff, Hal Gregersen, Clayton M. Christensen. 2011. The innovator's DNA : mastering the five skills of disruptive innovators. Harvard Business Review Press. Artikkelen som oppsummerer boken inngår i artikkelsamlingen.
El Sawy, Omar A. 2001. Redesigning enterprise processes for e-business. Irwin/McGraw-Hill. 200 s. Boken er utsolgt fra forlag, utvalgte sider tilgjengeligjøres for studenten. Relevant som sjekkliste for prosjekter med prosessforbedring
Govindarajan, Vijay, Chris Trimble. 2010. The other side of innovation : solving the execution challenge. Harvard Business Review Press
Gray, Dave, Sunni Brown, and James Macanufo. 2010. Gamestorming : a playbook for innovators, rulebreakers, and changemakers. O'Reilly. Praktisk bok med en rekke teknikker som kan inngå i "innovatørens verktøyklasse". Denne er interessant også fordi den forsøker å spore opprinnelsen til hver teknikk. Alternativ til Innovators Toolkit.
Kahnemann, Daniel. 2011. Thinking, fast and slow. Farrar, Strauss and Giroux. Instant klassiker om hvordan mennesker fatter beslutninger. Oppsummerer mange års avansert forskning som i 2002 brakte Kahnemann og hans medforsker Amos Tversky Nobelprisen i økonomi.
Kelly, Kevin. 2010. What technology wants. Viking. Fantasifullt og antropomorfisk om hvordan teknologi utvikler seg.
Laudon, Kenneth C., Jane P. Laudon. 2015. Management information systems : managing the digital firm. 14th ed. Pearson Education. ca 750s. Bakgrunnsstoff/oppslagsverk for grunnleggende teknologiforståelse. 11. utgave og nyere kan brukes.
Lawrence, Paul R., & Lorsch, Jay W. 1969. Organization and Environment: Managing Differentiation and Integration.. Richard D. Irwin
Nonaka, Ikujiro and Hirotaka Takeuchi. 1995. The knowledge-creating company : how Japanese companies create the dynamics of innovation. Oxford University Press. En klassiker innen kunnskapsledelse!
Osterwalder, Alexander and Yves Pigneur. 2010. Business model generation : a handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challengers. Wiley. En "preview" på 72 sider kan lastes ned fra
Ries, Eric. 2011. The lean startup : how constant innovation creates radically successful businesses. Portfolio Penguin. En god drøfting av systematisk innovasjonsarbeid med informasjonssystemer
Rogers, Everett M. 2003. Diffusion of innovations. 5th ed. Free Press. Kap. 6 og 7. Resten av boken anbefales for en rikere forståelse av drivere til diffusjon av innovasjon
Ross, Jeannie W, Peter Weill & David C. Robertson. 2006. Enterprise architecture as strategy : creating a foundation for business execution. Harvard Business School Press. Grunnboken for alle som ønsker å lage en innovasjonsplattform.
Silverstein, David, Philip Samuel & Neil DeCarlo. 2012. The innovator's toolkit : 50+ techniques for predictable and sustainable organic growth. 2nd ed. Wiley. Praktisk orientert bok med en rekke teknikker som passer i "Innovatørens verktøykasse". Se også for informasjon og nyttige maler. Alternativ til Gamestorming.
Stone, Brad. 2013. The everything store: Jeff Bezos and the age of Amazon. Little, Brown & Company. Som alle ikke autoriserte biografier inneholder den faktuelle feil. Kritisert for å ha et ensidig negativt bilde av Jeff Bezos som en kynisk kapitalist, men likevel anbefales den som leseverdig.
Thompson, James D.. 1967. Organizations in Action. McGraw-Hill. Det henvises til denne i en webforelesning.
Tidd, Joe, John Bessant. 2013. Managing innovation : integrating technological, market and organizational change. 5th ed. Wiley. En alternativ oversiktsbok i innovasjon og innovasjonsledelse
Utterback, James M. 1994. Mastering the dynamics of innovation : how companies can seize opportunities in the face of technological change. Harvard Business School Press
Weinberger, David. 2011. Too big to know : rethinking knowledge now that the facts aren't the facts, experts are everywhere, and the smartest person in the room is the room. Basic Books. Hvordan søketeknologi og lagringskapasitet endrer vårt forhold til informasjon og kunnskap
Wenger, Etienne, Richard McDermott, William M. Snyder. 2002. Cultivating communities of practice : a guide to managing knowledge. Harvard Business School Press. God og praktisk gjennomgang av teori og forskning om praksisfellesskap

Course outline
For more detailed information, see the description for each module below.
  • Business development, value creation and technology
  • Innovation, innovation models and innovation processes
  • Technology development and new business opportunities
  • What is a good idea? What is its value?
  • Business processes and enterprise architecture
  • Technology management and governance models
  • Strategic knowledge resources and development work
  • Organizing for innovation and business development

Computer-based tools
The program will use online tools for communication, information sharing and collaboration, but will not necessitate acquisition of specific software beyond normal web browsers.

Learning process and workload
The program features five modules and various online activities, in total about 150 hours of teaching. The online activities equal four teaching days. (The allocation between online and regular lectures is subject to change.)

- Lectures, case discussions etc.: 95 hrs.
- Student presentations and project work: 35 hrs.
- Online activities: 20 hrs.

Project work
The project work is an integral part of the program with partial deliveries and presentations in each module. This distributes the workload over the whole year.

Feedback and advice
The advisory offering in this program includes oral feedback during presentations in the modules, written feedback and evaluations for partial deliveries, and meetings with advisors for individual groups.

Students can expect advisory (not evaluatory) feedback. The advisory budget is two hours per student taking the ordinary program, and six hours per term paper for students taking the finishing program.

The students are evaluated through continuous assessment of 4 separate, compulsory papers after module 2,3,4 and 5 (each counting 15%) and one final term paper ( counting 40%), all together counting for 18 credit hours. The continuous assessment can be written in groups of 2 or 3 persons.

The students must also pass an individual written exam, continuous assessment, in five parts, counting for 12 credit hours.
Both evaluations must be passed to obtain a certificate for the program.

For students taking this program as the final Master of Management Program the following applies:
The students are evaluated through continuous assessment of 4 separate, compulsory papers after module 2,3,4 and 5 (each counting 15%) and one final term paper ( counting 40%), all together counting for 24 credit hours. The Continuous assessment can be written in groups of two persons.

The students must also pass an individual written exam, continuous assessment, in five parts, counting for 6 credit hours.

Both evaluations must be passed to obtain a certificate for the program.

Examination code(s)

MAN 31801 - Continuous assessment; counts for 100 % to pass the program MAN 3180, 18 credits.
MAN 31811 - Continuous assessment; counts for 100 % to pass the program MAN 3181, 12 credits.
Both evaluations must be passed to obtain a certificate for the program.

For students taking this program as the final Master of Management Program the following applies:
MAN 31821 - Continuous assessment; counts for 100 % to pass the program MAN 3182, 24 credits.
MAN 31831 - Continuous assessment; counts for 100 % to pass the program MAN 3183, 6 credits;.

Both evaluations must be passed to obtain a certificate for the program.

Examination support materials
No aids allowed at written exam.

Exam aids at written examinations are explained under exam information in our web-based Student handbook.

Re-sit examination
At the next ordinary exam.

A retake of continuous assessment must include all evaluatory subcomponents.

Additional information
1. module - Strategy, business development and technology evolution
The module largely consists if lectures and case discussions illustrating the relationship between strategic choice, business models and technology use. Central to the module is the role of technology in business models (value chains, value shops and value networks.)

Project work: Idea development
The project work is initiated during the module. All participants will develop and present an initial idea for a project work. Time will be allocated to brainstorming between the participants. The process continues towards module 2 when project groups are formed.

2. module - Technology, innovation and innovation processes
The second module takes place in the technology park Sophia Antipolis, France. The module will introduce future technologies, new business models and services, and examples of how leading companies organize for and work with innovation.

Project work: Project description
In this module, all project groups (which will be formed by now) will present a suggested project with a situation description and propositions for action.

3. module – Technology management – architecture as a platform for innovation
This module will be about how to specify and develop technology solutions to innovative ideas. Central themes are enterprise architecture, architectural planning, and cost/benefit analysis.

Project work: Suggested solution and expected effects
For this module, the project groups will develop and present a well documented suggested solution for their projects, as well as a description about the expected effects of the solution. The suggested solution will be based on existing knowledge in the form of theories, models and documented experience from similar solutions.

4. module – Knowledge, knowledge sharing and innovation work
Knowledge, knowledge sharing and learning – from successes as well as failures – is central to innovative work, and a basic requirement for innovative companies. This module will focus on the importance of organizational mechanisms for learning and knowledge sharing, including the development of technological tools to support learning and knowledge sharing.

Project work: Adjustment of idea, solution and effects.
For this module, participants will have done interviews with chosen stakeholders for their idea, their suggested solution and expected effects. Based on this information they will analyze and, if necessary, adjust their ideas, suggested solutions and expected effects.

5. module – Organizing for innovation and business development
This module will focus on how to develop the organization’s innovative capabilities. Themes will include the tension between ongoing operations and innovation/business development, establishing a culture of innovation, and how different governance models can further or hinder a company’s innovative ability.

Through case discussions the participants will be invited to reflect on what they have learned in the program and how they can use their learning in practical situations.

Project work: Conclusion
For this module, the participants will have done the whole project work and will have reached a conclusion about whether the suggested solutions should be implemented or not. The conclusion will include a recommendation of whether and how the enterprise should make use of the project results.

Online activities
Throughout the program we will have online activities equaling about four days of teaching. These will include online classes (lectures and discussions), project work, and independent work (group and individual). Some online sessions will be in real time, others in the form of assignments with deadlines.

Project work
The project work focuses on executing an evaluation of an innovation idea. The innovation idea can be an improvement project in an existing organization (process change, reorganization, tool development, business model), a new product or service where IT is integral to the delivery, or development of new business ideas or models.