KLS 3551 Arts Leadership
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APPLIES TO ACADEMIC YEAR 2016/2017 Norwegian version |
KLS 3551 Arts Leadership
Responsible for the course
Christian Winther Farstad
Department of Communication and Culture
According to study plan
ECTS Credits
Language of instruction
Cultural organisations experience stricter requirements today than before. Consequently, cultural management has become a separate subject to describe more specific challenges and opportunities for leaders in the field of culture.
Based on general management and organisational theory, research and knowledge the course focus on several challenges related to cultural management. How to combine artistic ambition and financial management? How to Succeed with interdisciplinary collaboration? How to lead employees with high demands for autonomy? How to combine innovation and risk with performance requirements? Creating effective groups for creative processes? How to succeed as a freelancer? How to create growth based on voluntary labour? These are met on the basis of six of the most prevalent forms of organization in the field of culture 1) institutions 2) groups 3) events 4) Freelancers 5) network 6) production.
Learning outcome
Acquired Knowledge
Students will acquire knowledge of how the most prevalent forms of organization in the field of culture is different in relation to the management, structure, results, processes and environments. Furthermore, the student will acquire basic knowledge about management and how different types of management produces results in cultural field.
Acquired Skills
Students will acquire skills to analyze cultural organizations to describe how they are managed, how they are structured, what is most critical for performance, which processes they create, and how they are affected by and adapts to the environment. Students will specifically acquire skills to uncover challenges with management and organization of cultural organizations. By applying theories and models from the course, students will be able to propose improvements to increase performance in the organization.
Students will develop respect and tolerance for different artistic attitudes and values. Students should especially be able to reflect how the tension between the artistic and the economic creates challenges when results are to be produced. Based on this, students also will develop a basic respect and tolerance for different beliefs and values within management.
No particular prerequisites.
Compulsory reading
Elstad, Beate og Donatella De Paoli. 2014. Organisering og ledelse av kunst og kultur. 2. utg. Cappelen Damm akademisk. Hele boken er pensum
Collection of articles:
Farstad, Christian W.. 2015. Artikkelsamling for KLS 3551 Kulturledelse. Handelshøyskolen BI
Recommended reading
Byrnes, William J. 2014. Management and the arts. 5th ed. Taylor & Francis. 463
Caust, Jo, ed. 2012. Arts leadership : international case studies. Tilde Publishing
Chong, Derrick. 2010. Arts management. 2nd ed. Routledge
Hagoort, Giep, Aukje Thomassen, Rene Kooyman, eds. 2012. Pioneering minds worldwide : on the entrepreneurial principles of the cultural and creative industries. Eburon Publishers. 280 s
Course outline
- Challenges for management and organization in the field of culture
- RESPLO: How to understand the Results, Environment, Structure, Processes and management in the cultural field?
- Culture Management
- Institutions - "Art Factory"
- Groups - "Verktstedet"
- Events - "Festival"
- Freelancers - "Free space"
- Network - "Nomadic camp"
- Production - "Project"
Computer-based tools
No specified computer-based tools are required.
Learning process and workload
The course consists of a mix of both theoretical and practical lectures and case-based group work. Coursework requirements will be given with relevance to project assignment.
Recommended workload in the course:
Activity | Use of hours |
Participation in lectures | 36 |
Course work requrements in groups | 14 |
Preparation lessons, self-study | 70 |
Project / examination | 80 |
Recommended hours in total | 200 |
Coursework requirements
In order to deliver the final project, two coursework requirements must be approved. The purpose of the work requirements is to approve student groups' progression in the project assignment. At the same time, coursework requirements is a tool for feedback and guidance for student groups up to examination. Both coursework requirements will consist of a short presentation and written submission (3 pages).
Both coursework requirements is assessed as pass / fail.
A project paper which counts 100% of final grade concludes the course. The paper may be solved individually or in grops of up to three students.
Examination code(s)
KLS 35511 - Project paper, count 100% to obtain final grade in the course KLS 3551 Arts Leadership av karakteren, 7.5 credits.
Examination support materials
All support materials allowed.
Re-sit examination
Re-sit examination is offered every term.
Students who have not passed the coursework requirements can not deliver exam. These must take the course again next scheduled course.
Students who have not passed the exam (project) or who wish to improve their grade can retake the exam at the next semester.
Additional information