GRA 6534 Investments

GRA 6534 Investments

Course code: 
GRA 6534
Course coordinator: 
Ilan Cooper
Course name in Norwegian: 
Product category: 
MSc in Finance
2019 Autumn
Active status: 
Level of study: 
Teaching language: 
Course type: 
One semester

In this course you will be introduced to major issues currently of concern to all investors. It will give you the skills to conduct a sophisticated assessment of current issues debates covererd by both the popular (especially digital) media as well as more specialized finance journals. The course will familiarize students with the financial markets and will provide an introduction to the theory and practices of investments for both individual investors as well as for funds. The course will emphasize the international dimension of the investment process and will introduce sustainable short term and long term investment strategies.

Learning outcomes - Knowledge

Provide students with the principles of investments in bonds and stocks, and a profound understanding of the risk - expected return tradepff and its implications for asset pricing. Emphasis will be given to understanding recent developments in the financial markets described in the digital financial press.

Learning outcomes - Skills

Among the skills students will acquire:

  • Constructing the term structure of interest rate.
  • Conducting portfolio immunization.
  • Constructing optimal portfolios.
General Competence
  • Critical reflection and thinking, developing deep insights regarding the dynamics of the financial markets.
  •  Understanding the major issues portfolio managers encounter.

Course content

The course will be organized as follows:

  • • Asset classes: markets, pricing and historical record
    • Equity markets and historical record
    • Fixed Income Securities: pricing, markets and historical record
    • Alternative investments: real estate, commodities, venture, etc
  • • Fixed Income
    • Bond pricing
    • The term structure of interest rate
    • Bond portfolio management
  • • Equity valuation
    • The price to earnings ratio
    • Macroeconomic and industry analysis
  • • The portfolio management process
    • Mean-Variance theory and the CAPM
    • Efficient markets and portfolio management
    • Active portfolio management strategies
    • Optimal portfolio rebalancing
  • • Measuring portfolio performance
  • • Hedge funds, mutual funds and exchange traded funds
  • • Investment policy and the framework of the CFA institute
Teaching and learning activities
  • Presentations of the theories and their applications.
  • Class discussions, including discussions of the research frontier in various topics.
  • Discussions of current events in the markets described in the financial press (for example, The Wall Street Journal) and how they relate to the material covered in class.
  • Real world examples of investment strategies.
  • There will be two computer assignments to be done in groups of three to four students. The assignments will be a major tool in learning, as they will involve real world applications, and will include Excel modeling of portfolio choice. After doing the assignments the students will be able to construct the term structure of interest rates, to construct optimal portfolios, and more.
  •  Class participation will count for 5% of the course grade. Class participation is considered actually talking in class. The following are
    considered class participation: answering a question asked by the
    lecturer during class, asking the lecturer a question during class, or
    raising a point for discussion in class. Class participation is aimed at promoting active learning and at obtaining thorough understanding.
Software tools
No specified computer-based tools are required.
Additional information

Please note that while attendance is not compulsory in all courses, it is the student’s own responsibility to obtain any information provided in class.

This is a course with continuous assessment (several exam components) and one final exam code. Each exam component is graded by using points on a scale from 0-100. The components will be weighted together according to the information in the course description in order to calculate the final letter grade for the examination code (course). Students who fail to participate in one/some/all exam elements will get a lower grade or may fail the course. You will find detailed information about the point system and the cut off points with reference to the letter grades when the course starts.

At resit, all exam components must, as a main rule, be retaken during next scheduled course.

Honour Code

Academic honesty and trust are important to all of us as individuals, and represent values that are encouraged and promoted by the honour code system. This is a most significant university tradition. Students are responsible for familiarizing themselves with the ideals of the honour code system, to which the faculty are also deeply committed.

Any violation of the honour code will be dealt with in accordance with BI’s procedures for cheating. These issues are a serious matter to everyone associated with the programs at BI and are at the heart of the honour code and academic integrity. If you have any questions about your responsibilities under the honour code, please ask.


All courses in the Masters programme will assume that students have fulfilled the admission requirements for the programme. In addition, courses in second, third and/or fourth semester can have specific prerequisites and will assume that students have followed normal study progression. For double degree and exchange students, please note that equivalent courses are accepted.

Exam category: 
Form of assessment: 
Class participation
1 Semester(s)
Class participation is considered actually talking in class. The following are considered class participation: answering a question asked by the lecturer during class, asking the lecturer a question during class, or raising a point for discussion in class.
Exam code: 
Grading scale: 
Point scale leading to ECTS letter grade
All components must, as a main rule, be retaken during next scheduled course
Exam category: 
Form of assessment: 
Written submission
1 Month(s)
Two computer assignments where the weight of each is 10%,
Exam code: 
Grading scale: 
Point scale leading to ECTS letter grade
All components must, as a main rule, be retaken during next scheduled course
Exam category: 
Form of assessment: 
Written submission
Support materials: 
  • BI-approved exam calculator
  • Simple calculator
  • Bilingual dictionary
3 Hour(s)
Written examination under supervision.
Exam code: 
Grading scale: 
Point scale leading to ECTS letter grade
All components must, as a main rule, be retaken during next scheduled course
Type of Assessment: 
Continuous assessment
Grading scale: 
Total weight: 
Sum workload: 

A course of 1 ECTS credit corresponds to a workload of 26-30 hours. Therefore a course of 6 ECTS credits corresponds to a workload of at least 160 hours.

Reading list