ENT 3679 Entrepreneurship in action
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APPLIES TO ACADEMIC YEAR 2016/2017 Norwegian version |
ENT 3679 Entrepreneurship in action
Responsible for the course
Heidi Wiig Aslesen, Nils-Otto Ørjasæter
Department of Strategy
According to study plan
ECTS Credits
Language of instruction
Students on this course will develop a business plan, as well as a comprehensive understanding of how a business works. The course will include work on authentic cases. Students are encouraged to present their own business ideas, but this is not a precondition for participation. No guarantees can be given that student ideas will be incorporated as cases in coursework. Business ideas and business plans will be developed to the stage of final decision-making documents and possibly registering companies. Emphasis is placed on process work, presentations and discussions. Particular emphasis is placed on the need for interplay between a number of specialised areas in order to create the totality required when commercialising a business idea and establishing a business. Students are to transfer skills acquired in sessions on subjects such as accounts or marketing to developing a business idea. They will also build business models using Excel, for example scenarios of how a business changes operatively and financially as a result of implementing different strategic options.
Learning outcome
In this course the students will formulate a business plan and comprehend an overall business understanding. The course emphasizes the necessity of interaction between different fields of research in order to impel the whole commercialization of their business idea and establishment of a company.
Acquired Knowledge
- The students will understand the importance of a business plan
- The students will understand the process of developing a business plan
- The students will understand the overall process in the progress and commercialization of a business idea
Acquired Skills
- The students will lead an interdisciplinary team when developing a business plan
- The student will gather critical information and on this foundation undertake a relevant analysis
- The student will perform simulations of cash flow analysis and analysis of start-ups
- The student shall acquire a respectful attitude towards entrepreneurs and the challenges they meet in the start-up process.
- The students will develop a realistic attitude towards the challenges and opportunities within commercialization of a business idea and business plan
- The student will form a professional approach towards the entrepreneurial process
The course is based on knowledge students are expected to have acquired during the previous semesters. In particular, students must have acquired knowledge equivalent to
ENT 3501 Starting a venture, ENT 3502 Investment, valuation and exit strategies and
ENT 3503 Growth strategy for start-ups.
Compulsory reading
Utgård, Odd og Helge Refsum, red. 2007. Fra idé til ny virksomhet : en håndbok for nye vekstselskaper. 2. utg. Universitetsforlaget
Wickham, Philip A. 2006. Strategic entrepreneurship. 4th ed. FT Prentice Hall. 5th ed ikke ventet før 2020
Det vil ble delt ut artikler til klassen
Recommended reading
Mamut har en elektronisk mal for utvikling av forretningsplan. Denne inneholder nødvendige elementer og har forklaring til de ulike elementene. Malen har også egen budsjettmodell. Malen er gratis
Starte og drive bedrift - https://www.altinn.no/no/Starte-og-drive-bedrift/Guider/
Course outline
- Business plan
- Establishing a business
- Money stream flow models
- Physical units in a company from production to sales
- Managing and planning a business
- Presentation to the surrounding world
Computer-based tools
Students are expected to have access to a PC and be able to use standard software, as well as BI’s own information systems (e.g. It's learning)
Learning process and workload
The course includes lectures, guest lectures and studentparticipation related to real case and curricula.
Students must attend all lectures in the process of Pressure Tank and evaluation. Furthermore students must be prepared to do presentations in class.
Grade in the course is based on a process where several elements, such as effort, process, progression and reflection throughout the semester are evaluated.
Recommended workload in hours
Activity | Hours |
Lectures | 10 |
Work with the syllabus and preparations for lectures | 61 |
Prepare for presentation, for Kick off and Pressure Tank | 29 |
Work in Pressure Tank | 100 |
Total recommended use of time | 200 |
Grade in the course is based on continuous assessment with the following elements:
- Written individually theoretical note (25%)
- Written business plan in groups of max 7 students (50%)
- Written and oral presentation in group (25%)
Examination code(s)
ENT 36791 - Process evaluation, counts 100% towards final grade on course ENT 3679 Entrepreneurship in action, 7,5 ECTS
Examination support materials
All aids allowe.
Re-sit examination
Re-sit examination is offered at he next course.
Additional information