EMS 3524 Real Estate Law II

EMS 3524 Real Estate Law II

Course code: 
EMS 3524
Law and Governance
Course coordinator: 
Thorunn Falkanger
Course name in Norwegian: 
Eiendomsjus II
Product category: 
Bachelor of Real Estate, Law and Business - Programme Courses
2022 Spring
Active status: 
Level of study: 
Teaching language: 
Course type: 
One semester

The students will acquire knowledge about the legal regulation of the real estate business.

Learning outcomes - Knowledge

Acquired knowledge
The aim of the course Real Estate Law II is that the students shall gain knowledge about the rules of law governing the acquisition of real estate and the rules that restrict how real estate may be used, as well as the rules on the boundaries between properties. The students shall gain an understanding of the rules of law concerning owner control and governmental control, legal issues concerning prescriptive rights, easements and the boundaries of real estate. The students shall learn about rules concerning nature and environmental law that are important for sales of real estate. The students shall have an in-depth knowledge of rules in family law, inheritance and probate law, as well as an understanding of allodial privilege and primogeniture, especially with regard to the sale of real estate.

The students shall have an adequate understanding of the topics that are covered by the discipline. The terms knowledge, in-depth insight and understanding indicate which specialist level that is required. The most extensive knowledge is required when the term understanding is used.

Learning outcomes - Skills

The aim of the course is to enable the students to handle tasks in a real estate agency associated with issues concerning possession in law and governmental control, prescriptive rights, easements and the boundaries of real estate, acquisition of real estate and the rules that restrict how real estate may be used. The students shall also learn how to manage issues relating to family law, inheritance and probate law, including issues on inheritance tax, allodial privilege and primogeniture.

General Competence

In order to be able to practice their tasks in a manner that safeguards the interests involved in a property transaction, a real estate agent must have an appropriate ethical reflection ability and attitude, as well as professional knowledge within the legal topics discussed in the course.

Course content

1. Laws governing owner control and governmental control 

  • The planning and building act and other laws governing the building of new houses and changes to existing buildings. 
  • Consession legislation (Falkanger § 7.6) 
  • The owner's disposal of real estate 

Compulsory literature: 

  • Bråthen/Røse Solli (red.): Lærebok i praktisk eiendomsmegling, del II, kap. 6, Lov og rett for næringslivet kap.16 
  • Falkanger, Thor. 2016. Fast eiendoms rettsforhold. 5. utg. Universitetsforlaget. § 7.6 og § 2  

2. Other subjects related to property law 

  • Legal rules on common usage of real estate 
  • Legal rules on restrictive rights in real estate (restrictive covenants, ground lease) 
  • Legal rules on real estate boundaries 
  • Neighbour law 
  • Right to redeem allodial land 

Compulsory literature: 

  • Falkanger, Thor. 2016. Fast eiendoms rettsforhold. 5. utg. Universitetsforlaget.
    § 3.5, § 4, § 5.5, § 11, § 12, § 13. 
  • Rettsreglene om hevd av fast eiendom (Falkanger § 5.5)  
  • Rettsreglene om begrensede rettigheter i fast eiendom (servitutter) (Falkanger § 12)  
  • Rettsreglene om fast eiendoms grenser (Falkanger § 4)  
  • Eiers rett og naboene (Falkanger § 13)  
  • Løsningsrettigheter (Falkanger § 3.5)  
  • Tomtefeste (Falkanger § 11) 

3. Family, inheritance and probate law 

  • Economic consequences of marriage, including contracting on behalf of the spouse 
  • Laws on and consequences of divorce 
  • Laws of succession (family/spouses), including regulations on statutorily prescribed share 
  • Laws on the drawing up of wills 
  • Laws on probate cases 
  • Unmarried cohabitation 

Compulsory literature: 

  • Unneberg, Inge: Familie-, arve- og odelsrett for eiendomsmeglere, kompendium for eiendomsmeglerstudiet, 2009 

4. Allodial rights and primogeniture 

  • Laws on the right to acquire allodium and on the procedures for such acquisitions. 
  • Allodial privilege 
  • Primogeniture 

Compulsory literature: 

  • Unneberg, Inge: Familierett, arverett og odelsrett for eiendomsmeglere, kompendium for eiendomsmeglerstudiet, 2009.
Teaching and learning activities

As part of the teaching programme the students could be divided into small discussion groups and will work on assignments associated with each topic. The assignments will be discussed and reviewed in class after the discussion group work. The lecture form of teaching requires that the students before each lecture have studied the syllabus and the rules of law for the topic in question. The students are required to bring the code of laws and other study aids to the lectures and become familiar with them while studying the various topics. Parts of the syllabus must be studied through self-tuition. 

Students will have the opportunity to submit a written work for correction and feedback.

Software tools
No specified computer-based tools are required.

Higher Education Entrance Qualification


Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, there may be deviations in teaching and learning activities as well as exams, compared with what is described in this course description.


Information about what is taught on campus and other digital forms will be presented with the lecture plan before the start of the course each semester.

Required prerequisite knowledge

EMS 3416 Law and Real Estate, JUR 3430 Business Law or JUR 3420 Marketing Law.

Exam category: 
Form of assessment: 
Written submission
Support materials: 
  • Digital resource: Lovdata Pro (Digital Exam Mode)
  • Book: T. Falkanger og P. H. Fjeldheim. «Forskriftssamling for Eiendomsmeglere». Cappelen Damm akademisk.
  • Etiske regler for Norges eiendomsmeglerforbund (document)
  • Laws and regulations, including offprints of laws and law drafts
5 Hour(s)
Exam code: 
Grading scale: 
Examination every semester
Type of Assessment: 
Ordinary examination
Total weight: 
Student workload
34 Hour(s)
Feedback activities and counselling
6 Hour(s)
Prepare for teaching
45 Hour(s)
Student's own work with learning resources
50 Hour(s)
Group work / Assignments
60 Hour(s)
5 Hour(s)
Sum workload: 

A course of 1 ECTS credit corresponds to a workload of 26-30 hours. Therefore a course of 7,5 ECTS credit corresponds to a workload of at least 200 hours.

Reading list