BST 3210 Digital Marketing

BST 3210 Digital Marketing

Course code: 
BST 3210
Course coordinator: 
Cathrine von Ibenfeldt
Course name in Norwegian: 
Digital markedsføring
Product category: 
Bachelor Specialisations HSMI
2018 Autumn
Active status: 
Level of study: 
Teaching language: 
Course type: 
One semester

This course will in combination with the bachelor thesis, 15 credits, amount to a 30 credits specialization in Digital Marketing.

Marketing is changing. Customer journeys create new digital touchpoints online, in social media and on mobile platforms. New technology gives marketers access to new tools and creates new challenges. This course provides a basic introduction to digital marketing, digital strategy, operative implementation of digital tools in marketing, digital media channels and analytics. The goal is that students should get an overview of digitalization in markets and society, and understand what digital marketing is all about, but also be able to plan, execute and analyze a digital marketing campaign. The course provides both knowledge of digital marketing and practical skills using basic tools.

Learning outcomes - Knowledge

Students should after the course:

  • Recognize and understand traits of digitalization in the society and critically be able to analyze opportunities and challenges
  • Have knowledge about how digitalization and new technology change business models and marketing
  • Have knowledge on how the amount of data must be understood to make good decisions and be able to execute operative tasks to gain competitive advantages
  • Have knowledge on how the data society, social media and fragmented media landscape change the premises of communication and marketing
  • Have knowledge about basic principles and terms in digital marketing and how digitalization affects the marketing mix (4Ps)
  • Have knowledge of digital customer journeys and how these journeys impact marketing and communication
  • Know features of the most important digital marketing techniques: search engine optimization/marketing (SEO/SEM), e-mail marketing, display ads, social media, and mobile communication
  • Have insight in how earned media channels can strengthen owned and paid channels
  • Have knowledge on how businesses must engage consumers to achieve competitive advantage
  • Know about rules and legislations of privacy policies and ethics in digital marketing
Learning outcomes - Skills

Students should after the course:

  • Be able to estimate information needs of key processes in the business
  • Be able to use insight from big data to explore new business relevant and profitable opportunities
  • Be able to set targets, develop a digital strategy, and plan a digital marketing campaign
  • Be able to choose from different activities in digital marketing
  • Be able to set up a simple web site/blog
  • Be able to produce quality content for digital communication channels (text, video, images and sound)
  • Be able to analyze effects of digital marketing and master basic analytic tools (e.g. Google Analytics)


Learning Outcome - Reflection

Students will not only learn about digital marketing, but also reflect upon challenges in using digital tools, changes in the digital landscape, necessity of continuous learning, digital openness in social media, legislations and privacy policies.  Furthermore, students will experience how to develop and publish their own content online (blog/website), and know how marketing can affect their own “product”.



Course content

Digital marketing consists of three parts: (1) Digital business, (2) Digital marketing, and (3) Social communication. In addition, there will several practical skills seminars to learn how to develop blog/website, produce content, and measure effects of digital marketing. In this seminars analytic tolls like Google Analytics, Facebook Campaign Planner will be used. Important course topics:

  • Digital society: big data, data clouds, internet of things etc.
  • Digital business, transaction costs and networks effects
  • Sharing economy – how it challenges traditional business models and provides new opportunities for increased productivity, innovation and consumer utility
  • Business intelligence
  • Introduction to web technology in communication and marketing
  • Digital marketing – differences and similarities to traditional marketing, terms, activities and communication channels
  • Micro and macro perspectives on digital marketing – digital customer journeys, competition arenas, changes to society that impact markets and marketing
  • Digital strategy – setting goals, chose target segments, plan and implement a digital campaign
  • Digital marketing mix – how digital strategies influence decisions on price, product, place and promotion
  • Different digital marketing activities – SEO/SEM, e-mail marketing, display ads, social media, mobile communication etc.
  • Analysis and evaluations – effects of digital marketing
  • Technology’s role in media development and social media as communication- and marketing channel
  • POST – model as strategic framework
  • Production and distribution of content in social media
  • Communication effects of social media
  • Ethics, data integrity and privacy policies – Norwegian and European legislation
  • Basic introduction to digital tools
Learning process and requirements to students

The course consists of class room teaching, discussions, practical skill seminars and discussions on the course’s Facebook group. Teaching language is both Norwegian and English. Students must expect time for self-studies and practice on relevant data tools (Google Analytics etc.).

Software tools
Software defined under the section "Teaching and learning activities".

Two years of college education in economics and business administration, marketing or equivalent is required for taking the course. 

Required prerequisite knowledge

Basic understanding in Marketing Management and Consumer Behavior.

Exam category: 
Form of assessment: 
Written submission
Support materials: 
  • No support materials
3 Hour(s)
Mid-term examination
(School exam approximately end of October). The exam assesses understanding and knowledge acquisition of the two first parts of the course.
Exam code: 
BST 32101
Grading scale: 
Examination every semester
Exam category: 
Form of assessment: 
Written submission
Group/Individual (1 - 3)
2 Week(s)
The papers should follow BI’s rules for referencing and be maximum 20 pages long (excluding front page, list of contents, references, and any appendices)
Exam code: 
BST 32102
Grading scale: 
Examination when next scheduled course
Exam organisation: 
Ordinary examination
All exams must be passed to get a grade in this course.
Total weight: 
Student workload
78 Hour(s)
6 Hour(s)
Group work / Assignments
120 Hour(s)
Group/individual project + establishing and produce website/blog.
Prepare for teaching
193 Hour(s)
3 Hour(s)
Sum workload: 

A course of 1 ECTS credit corresponds to a workload of 26-30 hours. Therefore a course of 15 ECTS credit corresponds to a workload of at least 400 hours.

Reading list