BIN 3164 Leadership and Change Management in Schools

BIN 3164 Leadership and Change Management in Schools

Course code: 
BIN 3164
Communication and Culture
Course coordinator: 
Johan From
Course name in Norwegian: 
Lederskap og omstilling i skolen
Product category: 
Executive - Bachelor of Management
2018 Spring
Active status: 
Level of study: 
Teaching language: 
Course type: 
Associate course
Course codes for multi- or associated courses.
BIN 3165 - første semester
BIN 3166 - andre semester

This bachelor programme is a Executive Corporate programme, implemented as a paralell with equivalent programme at master level.
This program is The Norwegian Business School’s offer to principals who wish to take part in the national educational program for principals. With this program, school leaders will be provided necessary skills and competence for the management and development of the organization. The Norwegian Business School’s program puts special focus on pupils’ learning outcomes. It’s target group is both established and future leaders of schools.

Learning outcomes - Knowledge

The Norwegian school needs to improve and increase its management capacity. Through this program students will receive a broad introduction to the most important areas of school management. This will contribute to:
- increasing the school’s ability to reach its goals, particularly with regard to pupils’ learning outcomes
- developing sector standards for management
- make ready scope for action and management prerogatives

Acquired knowledge
The program will give students knowledge of institutional organization and pedagogical methods that contribute to increased learning outcomes for pupils. Furthermore, the program will provide knowledge of and understanding for the scientific methods that put them in a better position to assess their knowledge of a school’s development. They will be provided knowledge that will enable them to manage and develop the organization, stimulate and develop members of the organization and exercise management skills actively. In addition, an introduction to legal conflict resolution models and HR management with focus on the mapping of competences and recruitment. In this context, knowledge of the school sector’s traditions and special character is of importance.


Learning outcomes - Skills

Students will, as leaders, be capable of interpreting and understanding the demands the environment makes on the school. The role of leader in the school is characterized by significant responsibility and substantial scope for action. The program will provide the confidence and courage necessary to lead the school towards a more advanced and competent knowledge organization in continuous development. Skills with regard to pedagogical, organizational and interpersonal relationships for ongoing improvement of the school will be emphasized. The programme will provide knowledge of methodology and principles that create security and good relationships between the teaching staff and the leader. This brings into play methodological skills required to investigate and assess theories and methods.

Learning Outcome - Reflection

Students will be provided the tools to articulate the importance of the learning and development of youth in discussions concerning the school’s priorities, organization and working conditions. Focus will be put on the school’s contribution to the society, particularly on equality. They will be in possession of the competence, confidence and motivation to participate in the debate concerning development of the Norwegian school both internally and in relation to the school’s local environment. Courage and conviction will be needed to meet the challenges of a complex management situation in which professional argumentation must address issues concerning the introduction of changes and adaptations that will lead to a better Norwegian school. This requires the competence to choose strategies for the development of the individual school, its staff and the pupil’s learning outcomes and development.

Course content

The programme is comprised of 7 modules

Module 1 – The principal as the leader of social commitment
The principal’s scope of authority
Model of increased school effectiveness
Methodical foundation for the writing of papers
The school and society
The effects of pupils’ learning outcomes
Economic issues for education – the effectiveness of schools

Module 2 – skills training
The school’s stakeholders
The psychosocial working environment
Impact and influence

Module 3 – Leading the school to promote pupils’ learning (takes place in London)
The principal as «capacity builder»
Closing the gap for higher equity
Reforms for school effectiveness
The inspection system in the English school
Visits to top English schools

Module 4 – The principal as leader of the learning process
The principal as pedagogical leader
Observation of teacher behaviour
Observation of pupil behaviour and pupils’ learning
Including pupils
High quality teaching

Module 5 – The principal as leader of teachers’ collaboration processes
The principal as integrator
Teacher collaboration for increased teaching quality
Teaching organizations
Personal development for a more effective school – HRM
Skills training – involvement methodologies

Module 6 – The principal as leader of change
Labour law topics – the principal’s prerogatives
Changes in culture
Changes in behaviour
Skills training – development plan

Module 7 – the principal as leader
School leadership in theory and practice
Management theories and management styles
Role security and legitimacy through competence
Skills training – development of leadership skills

Skills training
As a part of the program, leadership training will be provided for the students. Leadership training will be a combination of introductory lectures, exercises and feedback. The purpose of this is to give students confidence in demanding leadership situations.
In leadership training, students’ own leadership profiles will be addressed, both to assess how they themselves as leaders use their resources and as a foundation for developing their own leadership style. Central to this is the development of individual action plans and how these can be implemented in their leadership style.

Learning process and requirements to students

The programme is carried out over seven modules for a total of 150 hours. The scope of the counseling contribution will vary somewhat in the different pograms. Personal counseling will be provided, as well as counseling provided during the lectures. Generally speaking, students can expect consultative counseling as opposed to evaluative counseling. The counseling contribution is estimated at two hours per student. 

The program requires access to a PC/Mac. Software that converts html to pdf is also necessary. “It’s learning” is a central learning platform, and students will also bring into use other digital tools.

Software tools
No specified computer-based tools are required.
Additional information

This bachelor programme is a Executive Corporate programme, implemented as a paralell with equivalent programme at master level.


Higher Education Entrance Qualification

Exam category: 
Form of assessment: 
Written submission
72 Hour(s)
Students are evaluated on the basis of a project paper – and a take-home exam.

The take-home exam is 72 hours and is to be done individually. The project paper can be written individually or in groups of up to three students. Both the exam and the project paper must have a passing grade in order for a certificate to be awarded.
Exam code: 
BIN 31641
Grading scale: 
Examination when next scheduled course
Exam category: 
Form of assessment: 
Written submission
Group/Individual (1 - 3)
2 Semester(s)
Exam code: 
BIN 31642
Grading scale: 
Examination when next scheduled course
Exam organisation: 
Ordinary examination
All exams must be passed to get a grade in this course.
Total weight: 
Sum workload: 

A course of 1 ECTS credit corresponds to a workload of 26-30 hours. Therefore a course of 30 ECTS credit corresponds to a workload of at least 800 hours.

Reading list