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EDI 3410 Communication in Action: Dialogue and Discourse

EDI 3410 Communication in Action: Dialogue and Discourse

Course code: 
EDI 3410
Communication and Culture
Course coordinator: 
Yanique Fletcher
Course name in Norwegian: 
Communication in Action: Dialogue and Discourse
Product category: 
Bachelor of Digital Business - Programme course
2025 Spring
Active status: 
Level of study: 
Teaching language: 
Course type: 
One semester

Effective communication skills have become increasingly important as we enter the digital business world. The workplace is more diverse - functioning in multi-cultural, multinational cross-functional teams. Not only are effective communication skills a requirement for the job, but we must be influential in communication and persuasively present new ideas to colleagues, subordinates, and superiors to inform, motivate, and prepare them for innovation and change.

Learning outcomes - Knowledge

Students will acquire advanced knowledge about:

  • Public speaking: rhetoric, argumentation, critical thinking, debate
  • Interpersonal communication: dialogue, listening
  • Critical thinking
  • Ethical communication
  • Interpersonal communication theory  
  • Identify manipulative communication techniques
  • Communicating in teams 
  • Appropriate communication and choice of medium
  • Voice and body as a medium of communication
Learning outcomes - Skills

Upon completion of this course, students should be able to master the following communication practices:

  • Deliver influential pitches and presentations
  • Deliver effective arguments 
  • Handle criticism and balanced dialogue when being challenged 
  • Critique arguments logically and constructively
  • Give quality constructive feedback
  • Handle manipulative communication techniques
  • Communicating in teams 
  • Build networks and relationship   
  • Apply theoretical knowledge to practical communication challenges 
General Competence

In this course, students will learn to develop their unique style of professional communication, with an emphasis on critical thinking, barriers to effective communication, and presentation skills. Students will also understand the ethical implications of different communication styles and exercise balanced judgment in challenging communication situations.

Course content

Plenary sessions consisting of lectures and interactive workshops in small groups.

  • Critical thinking: argumentation analysis 
  • Critical thinking: assumptions and fallacies
  • Rhetoric
  • Ethos, logos, pathos, using examples from student manuscripts and popular speeches 
  • Speech analysis
  • Storytelling 
  • Dialogue as ethical communication. Introduction to the Mutual Learning Model.
  • Challenging dialogues - case study
  • Small groups. Ethos. Speeches, followed by individual feedback on body and voice.
  • Students turn in drafts of their manuscripts. In-class peer feedback.
  • Exercises - dialogue for constructive feedback
  • Dialogue - tools for practicing the Mutual Learning Model
  • Visual Aids
  • Logos for the persuasive speech: argumentation, critical thinking, case study
  • Speech delivery with individual feedback
  • Submission of a manuscript for feedback - arbeidskrav
  • Mock exam - exam preparation
Teaching and learning activities

Students must participate in lectures and workshops. 

Throughout the semester, students will develop a presentation focusing on a controversial proposal for change or action that lies close to their hearts and in which they strongly believe. Students will focus on developing a written manuscript and their delivery skills to make a credible, persuasive proposal presentation without the aid of their manuscript. Students will utilize PowerPoint or other suitable visual aids. Students will hone their rhetorical and argumentation skills to incorporate critical and logical thinking into their presentations. They will also listen to critical responses from their audience and constructively discuss/defend their proposal after it has been delivered. Furthermore, students will be responsible for critiquing their peer's proposals in the discussion following each presentation. Finally, they will deliver a written reflection concerning their work on this presentation during the semester.

To complete these goals successfully, students must become familiar with the theory presented in lectures and become proficient at applying the theory in the workshops, where formative feedback will be given throughout the semester.


Class participation:

Classes are designed to be interactive - small group activities, student-led discussions, and peer feedback exercises. Attendance and participation in class are expected and vital to learning outcomes.    

Students are expected to work on the following throughout the semester:

  • Preparation of speeches
  • Preparation of individual case
  • Preparation and participation in mock exam
  • Outline of persuasive speech
  • Speech manuscript for feedback - arbeidskrav
  • Final speech manuscript
  • Video Selfie of speech
  • Written reflection
    Software tools
    No specified computer-based tools are required.
    Additional information

    The course is a program course for Digital Business students in the autumn semester and as an elective course in the spring semester.


      Higher Education Entrance Qualification


      Deviations in teaching and exams may occur if external conditions or unforeseen events call for this.

      Required prerequisite knowledge

      No specific prerequisites are required.

      Mandatory courseworkCourseworks givenCourseworks requiredComment coursework
      Mandatory11Final Manuscript for Feedback. The manuscript can be submitted at the end of class 6, but must be handed in on Itslearning no later than the start of class on class 7.
      Mandatory coursework:
      Mandatory coursework:Mandatory
      Courseworks given:1
      Courseworks required:1
      Comment coursework:Final Manuscript for Feedback. The manuscript can be submitted at the end of class 6, but must be handed in on Itslearning no later than the start of class on class 7.
      Exam category: 
      Form of assessment: 
      Submission PDF
      Exam/hand-in semester: 
      First Semester
      1 Semester(s)
      Quality of the Final Manuscript for Submission and Final Written Reflection. Based on course concepts.
      Exam code: 
      EDI 34101
      Grading scale: 
      Examination every semester
      Exam category: 
      Activity, Oral
      Form of assessment: 
      Exam/hand-in semester: 
      First Semester
      8 Hour(s)
      Based on course concepts. Quality of the Presentation; Quality of the Presenter’s Dialogue with the Opponent following the Presentation, based on course concepts; and Quality of the Critique of a peer's Presentation. On a designated day before the final delivery of the presentations, each “Presenter” will send their manuscript to their assigned “Opponent". The presentation and discussion for each student will be administered in two, 3-4-hour sessions.
      Exam code: 
      EDI 34102
      Grading scale: 
      Examination every semester
      Type of Assessment: 
      Ordinary examination
      All exams must be passed to get a grade in this course.
      Total weight: 
      Student workload
      26 Hour(s)
      Participation in lectures
      Seminar groups
      10 Hour(s)
      Participation in workshops
      Prepare for teaching
      68 Hour(s)
      Preparatory reading for lectures (54) and workshops (14)
      Prepare for teaching
      80 Hour(s)
      Preparation of speech manuscript, delivery, critique, and defense
      10 Hour(s)
      Written reflection
      3 Hour(s)
      Final delivery, dialogue: 30 minutes in a 3-hour session with peers
      Feedback activities and counselling
      3 Hour(s)
      Final critique: 15 minutes in a 3-hour session with peers
      Sum workload: 

      A course of 1 ECTS credit corresponds to a workload of 26-30 hours. Therefore a course of 7,5 ECTS credit corresponds to a workload of at least 200 hours.